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2020 届高考英 语一轮强化检测篇:模 块八 Unit 4 (译林牛津版)解析版 一、根据提示写出所缺 单词 的完全形式 1. More than 1,500 ( 代表 )from different walks of life attended the conference in Beijing yesterday. 3.Many Chinese people have decided to ( 抵制 )Japanese products because of the Diaoyu Islands event. 【答案】boycotted 【解析】因 为钓鱼岛 事件, 许多中国人决定抵制日 货。 4.The two reports ( 相互矛盾 each other and I didn ’ t know which one to believe. 7.With his knowledge ( 积累 ), he has become an expert in this field. 【答案】accumulated 【解析】随着知 识的积累,他已 经成 为了这个领域的 专家。知 识是被 积累的,故要用 过去 分词 。 8.Our striker got into a good position to ( 射门), but then missed his kick. 【答案】shoot 【解析】我 们 的前 锋取得一个有利的位置射 门,可惜没有射中。 a company willing to ( 资 助) her through college. 【答案】sponsor 【解析】有一家公司愿意 资助她 读完大学。 10.She mentioned the incident ( 故意地 ) to make me embarrassed in public. 13.The painting competition has no r on age. In other words, people of any age can take part in the competition. 15.The problem, if o by us, will grow into a big one. 【答案】overlooked 【解析】 这个 问题 ,如果被我 们有所忽 视,那就会 变成大 问题 。 16. At this age children have a rich imagination, but difficult to distinguish between f and Reality. 【答案】fantasy 【解析】在 这 个年 龄段的孩子有丰富的想象力,但 难以区分幻想与 现实 。 17. The police are investigating a series of bank r in South Wales. robberies 【解析】一系列 银行抢劫案。 18. I find it very t doing the same job day after day. 二、 单项选择 1.(江苏省石庄高 级中学 204 届高三第四次 调研 )We are people to ________ goods from companies that use child labor. A. refuse B. resist C. reject D. boycott 2.( 山东省德州市重点中学 2020 届高三上学期期中考 试) — Oh, doctor, The wound on my leg is infected. — You really shouldn ’ t have left it _______ to the sun. A. discovered B. exposed


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