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国际学校餐厅管理员职责 一.负责调配餐厅炊事人员,明确职责、,促使全体人员各负其责、团结合作。 二.根据季节特点,市场供应情况合理安排师生膳食,努力增加花色品种,合理配餐。 三.加强对食堂工作人员成本核算的宣传教育工作,厉行节约、杜绝浪费。 四.严格食堂的各项卫生管理制度,防止食物中毒.确保在餐厅就餐人员的身体健康。 五.严格考勤制度,认真做好食堂工作人员的考勤记录。 六.负责食堂各种炊事用具的购置及各种设备的维修工作。 七.按时开饭,保证师生正常用餐。 八.承办领导交办的其它事项。 Regulations on Teachers’ Apartments in TIS 1. Every resident will receive a set of 2 keys for the apartment, and return them when the contract ends. Residents shall make sure that the apartment is always secure. 2. It is free to call inside the campus (the last 3 digit number). If you want to dial outside the campus (including mobiles), please dial 0 first then the other digits. 3. The school provides hot water for 24 hours; if sometimes need to cut off the water supply, the notice will be given early. 4. In case of any emergency, please inform relative administrative staff immediately or dial the emergency call. For fire emergency, call:119 For medical emergency, call:120 For other emergency, call:110 5. In order to prevent fire, the plug of air conditioner can only be used in the outlet specifically designed for it. And in order to protect environmental resources and save power, please turn off the air conditioner when you leave the room. 6. Visitors should leave the school before 23:00. Any guests are not allowed to stay in the apartment overnight without permission. 7. Pay the phone bills every month. 8. Any behavior should not bother or offend others in the apartment. 9. Take care of public facilities, any problem or damage with windows, classes or locks,etc. Please report General Service Office on time to repair. (Service No: 10.Always keep the window and door locked and switch off the power when you leave the room. Keep your important properties and money properly. Pay attention to fire prevention and safety. 11.The school provides necessary furniture and facilities (see the attachment of apartment goods list). Before move in, please check the list with the administrative staff,


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