高中英语 Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》测试(2) 外研版必修3.docVIP

高中英语 Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》测试(2) 外研版必修3.doc

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PAGE PAGE 4 用心 爱心 专心 英语:Module2《Developing and Developed Countries》测试(2)(外研版必修3) Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. The book covers terrorism, (贫穷)and global warming. poverty 2. Because of the bad harvest, many people will suffer from (饥饿). hunger 3. The worker (测量)the board. measured 4. You should (教育)your children to behave well. educate 5. The policeman asked the lost boy to describe his (位置) on the phone. position 6. Everyone should set a (目标) for his life, work and so on. goal 7. The (发展) of a child should be paid more attention to. development 8. He earns 1, 000 yuan a month. His family live on such a small (收入). income Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. 远处是一座山。 In the distance a hill. is/stands 2. 那个小男孩玩得很开心, 很多玩具在地上放着。 The little boy was playing happily, with a lot of toys . lying on the ground 3. 我用了三个小时完成这些作业, 而他却花了半小时。 I spent three hours doing my homework, he spent half an hour. while 4. 据说今年的降雨量比去年减少了百分之十。 It’s said that the rainfall this year has 10% compared with last year. reduced by 5. 当你离开时, 一定要确保带着你的钥匙。 When you leave, you take your keys. make sure 6. 只要你努力, 你就会取得进步。 As long as you work hard, you will . make progress Ⅲ. 单项填空 1. Many new cars are designed to_______ the amount of emission(排放) of exhaust(废气)to protect our environment. A. increase B. reduce C. raise D. refuse 选B。考查动词辨析。increase“增长, 增加”, reduce“减少”, raise“提高;举起;饲养”, refuse“拒绝”。句意:为了保护我们的环境, 人们设计了很多减少废气排放量的新汽车。 2. From their _______ on the top of the building, they could enjoy the firework better. A. stage B. position C. condition D. situation 选B。考查名词辨析。stage“舞台, 阶段”;position“位置”;condition“状况, 条件”;situation“情景, 形势”。句意:从楼顶上的位置, 他们可以更好地欣赏到焰火。 3. I realise a student’s failure or success isn’t always _______ in marks. A. measured B. praised C. made D. encouraged 选A。考查动词辨析。measure“测量, 评估”;praise“表扬”;make“制造”;encourage“鼓励”。句意:我意识到一名学生的失败或成功不能总是用分数来衡量。 4. I couldn’t concentrate on my study _____


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