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可以接表语从句的 系动词 有: 1 :表存在: be ( being, been, am, is, are, was, were) appear 2: 感官动词: feel , seem , look, ,sound, taste , smell 3: 表持续: stand , lie , remain ,keep, stay 4: 表变化: become, get, grow, turn, go, come, run, fall, prove, turn out 由从属连词 that 引导的表语从句 由连接代词 Who, whom, whose, which , what 和连接副词 where, how, why, when, because 引导的表语从句 由从属连词 whether 引导的表语从句 由从属连词 as if/as though 引导的表语从句 表语从句 系动词后面 1. The truth is that he has never been to the countryside . 2. The question is whether we can finish the experiment by Friday . 3. It looks as if it were going to rain. 实际情况是他从未去过农村 that 一般不省略 表语从句只用 whether 问题在于我们能否在明天下午之前完成这项实验 . 好象看上去要下雨似的 . ( 其实不会 ) as if / as though 从句常表示不真实的情况 She talks as if /as though she had been there before . 她说话的口气好象以前去过那儿似的 . as if/as though 引导的表语从句中的虚拟语气 as if/as though 引导的表语从句可用虚拟语气, 常用的系动词有 look , seem , taste , smell , sound 等。 It seems as though the meeting would never end. She felt as if Harriet were a member of her own fa mily. It seems as if the accident had happened yesterday. ( 其实不是在昨天 ) ( 其实不是 ) ( 其实不是 ) Doing your best is more important than being the best. ? 竭尽全力比成为最好更重要 我的梦想是我能进入一所重点大学。 My dream is that I can enter a key university . 我能进入一所重点大学是我的梦想。 That I can enter a key university is my dream. I have a dream that I can enter a key university. 我有一个梦想我能进入一所重点大学 我总是梦想着我能进入一所重点大学。 I always dream that I can enter a key university . Noun Clause 多 由 that, wh- 疑 问 词 或 whatever 等关系代词引导 主语从句、 宾语从句、 表语从句、 同位语从句, 名 词 性 从 句 Whether he will come or not is unknown. I dont know whether he will come or not The question is whether he will come or not. The question whether he will come or not is not settled. She said ,“ I did my homework.” She said that she had done her homework. He asks, “Are you interested in English?” He asks if I am interested in English. “What do you want?”They asked me. They asked me What I wanted. 把下面直接引语变为间接引语 宾语从句 一、请找出宾语从句 eg. We know that Mr Green teaches English. She asked if thes


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