Unit-2 高级英语第2册.ppt

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Section 6: Further Enhancement 2. Topic for Discussion Perhaps one of the notions Arnold Bennett advocates is that literature, particularly literary classics, is the domain of the aristocratic minority, for the exquisite taste for a few highbrows is an essential prerequisite of understanding and appreciating classics. This notion is controversial; it could be true to a large extent, but many critics are not in perfect agreement with him. Could you cite examples to support Arnold Bennett’s notion or to prove his notion to be incorrect? Text II Text Comprehension Section 6: Further Enhancement Text II Text Comprehension Perhaps Neoclassicism in English literature is more or less confined to highbrows, for it is in reality the habit of imitating the great authors of antiquity, notably its poets and dramatists, as a master of aesthetic principles. Many writers helped to establish a rigid framework of rules, among which was the observance of the dramatic unities of time, place and action. In short, the neoclassicists emphasize order, logic, unity, proportion and grace in literary expressions and develop a polite, urbane and intellectual art. Nevertheless, there are also many literary classics in English literature which go beyond the confinement of the aristocratic minority, with the typical example of critical Section 6: Further Enhancement Text II Text Comprehension realism headed by Charles Dickens, who not only captured popular imagination and attracted serious academic attention as well. His serious intention was to expose and criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness he saw all around him, so the refinement of art was always secondary, if it was also his concern. Thank you! Unit 1 Cover * Contents * * * * * Section 6: Further Enhancement much alive. They are forever making new researches, forever practicing on themselves. They learn to understand themselves. They learn to know what they want. Their taste becomes surer and s



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