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摘  要 随着对带宽需求的增大,电互连已经成为高速处理器与高速网络之间的一个瓶 颈。因此,用光互连取代电互连,已经成为必然的发展趋势。针对这一趋势专业人士 提出用高速光互连替代 PCB 中铜互连,实现芯片到芯片间的光互连。同时随着无源光 网络,并行光器件以及甚短距离通信系统的发展,实现光从光源高效、低损耗的耦合 到光纤,尤其是光纤阵列中变得尤为重要,特别是对在 850nm 光束范围内的甚短距离 通信系统。为此本文对多层 EOPCB 板的高速光互连系统,尤其是光互连系统中的光耦 合结构进行了深入的讨论和研究。 本论文首先系统地描述了带波导层的 PCB 技术的产生、发展及现状,探讨并分 析了 EOPCB 在光互连发展中所面临的困难,接着针对难点之一,即光互连层和光收发 模块之间的耦合,本文分析并总结了国内外在解决 EOPCB 中波导光耦合这一挑战问题 时所采用的解决方案,在根据二重积分原理先从理论上分析 VCSEL 光源到抛物线型 GI-MMF 的耦合效率后,考虑到本课题中所采用的光互连系统结构中激光器阵列工作 距离、容差小等给封装带来的限制,并结合对各种将光束耦合进光纤的耦合结构的研 究,我们按实际的封装要求,提出了一种新型的光互连耦合结构,该结构将一透镜光纤 引入到互连结构中实现将光耦合进、出波导,这种高效的透镜耦合结构由多模光纤、 无芯光纤和球透镜三部分组成, 本文通过理论分析,得到了优化结构参数的方法,并由 此设定了耦合结构各参数的大小,最后利用改进后的能量积分方法对优化的耦合结构 进行分析,得到了该结构耦合效率和在横向纵向的 1dB 容差,比较论证了此耦合结构 的先进性。 关键词:  并行光互连 垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)  耦合 多模光纤(MMF)  透镜光纤 I  无芯光纤(CSF) ABSTRACT With the increasing demanding for larger communication bandwidth, electronic interconnects have become the bottleneck between the high-speed processors and high-speed networks. So it is a trend for optical interconnects to take the place of electronic interconnects in the future. Meanwhile, With wide deployment of passive optical network and parallel optics applications including very short reach (VSR) communication systems, high efficiency and low loss in the light source to optical fiber, especially fiber ribbon, coupling is becoming even more indispensable. Especially for VSR communication systems in the 850nm spectral range. The paper will concentrate on the research of coupling structure of the hyper-optical interconnection in multilayer PCBs with embedding waveguide, especailly the part of coupling construct. In this thesis, first we introduce the generation and development of PCBs with optical Interconnection (EOPCB), discussing the challenges that will be confronted with the optical interconnecton in EOPCBs, then we analyse and conclude the coupling structure of several parallel optical interconnect systems which were reported recently. Based on the method of overlap integral, the coupling effic


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