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? classic adj. 经典的传统的上等的 ? classic French champagne 第一流的 ? classic Channel evening dress classics 古典文学作品 n. ? classical adj. 古典的 朴实严谨无华的 classical music 古典音乐 ? a retired worker ? retirement ? retirant Lead-in Pre-reading Questions (Discussion) ? What do you think is the life of a typical workaholic like? ? How important do you think work is to a person? Structural Analysis ? How many parts does the text consist of ? ? What is the general idea of each part? Three Parts Part 1 (Paragraph 1-6): Introductory part. This part reports the sudden death of Phil and his devotion to work. Part 2 (Paragraph 7-13): Phils role in his family, his relationship with his wife and his children. Part 3 (Paragraph 14-16) The funeral. The writer restates the cause of Phils death, and the presidents tendency in his choice of a successor to Phil. Text Analysis Part 1 Paragraph 1-6. Questions to think about : 1. What can you learn from the first paragraph? He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. 2. What are the functions of the two adverbs “finally and precisely” in this sentence? 1. The 1st sentence provides information concerning “who”, “what”, “how” and “when”. 2. “Finally” suggests the tragic ending of Phil. “Precisely” highlights the exact time of Phils death, thus stressing his devotion to work. Language points in Part 1 precise a . precisely adv . precision n. It was difficult to get precise information . ‘ In a precise manner 精确的 Shes a lot older than you, isn‘t she? ‘Fifteen years, to be precise . someone who is precise is very careful about small details or about the way they behave a precise and careful woman with precise movements of his hands synonym: exactly Antonym: roughly, approx



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