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NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH;Background knowledge:; New words and expressions: goddess: n. 女神 waitress, hostess, mistress(情妇), murderess(女杀人犯), tigress(母老虎)(mother tiger) gender 性,性别 (male 男;female 女) archaeologist n. 考古学家 archaeology n. 考古学, 古迹;psychology 心理学 physiology 生理学 philosophy 哲学, 人生观, anthropology 人类学 --ist: ……人;……家 terrorist 恐怖份子 racist 种族主义者 specialist 专家 pacifist 反战主义者,和平主义者;explore v. 考察,堪探,探究,仔细检查 to explore the Arctic regions 考察北极地区 eg. We have explored several solutions to the problem. exploration n. 探测,堪探,搜索 explode v. (blow up)爆炸 eg. The firework exploded in his hand. exploit v. 开发,利用,剥削 to exploit solar energy/water power 开发太阳能、水能 promontory n. 海角(凸起的)( a high long place of land which goes out into the sea) cape n. 海角 the Cape(= the Cape of Good Hope 好望角 channel n. 海峡 the English Channel strait n.海峡 the Taiwan Strait ; prosperous adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 (successful or thriving, esp. financially) a prosperous country / industry 繁荣的国家、工业 prosper v. 使…繁荣, 使…昌盛 eg. The country is prospering under a strong government. Background Notes: America experienced the Great Depression in 1930s. (大萧条) eg. After the bloom, everything is gloom. 繁荣过后尽是萧条。 civilization n. 文明 (A civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture. ) eg. The city enjoys a high level of civilization. 这个城市是一个高度文明的城市。 civilized adj. 文明的,文雅的 a civilized society 一个文明的社会; civilized behavior 文明行为 civil adj. 公民的,市民的, 民用的,国内的 civil rights 民权;civil defense 民防 civil law 民法;civil servant 公仆;civil war 内战 domestic adj. 家庭的,国内的, 驯养的 n. 佣人,国货 domestic market 国内市场 domestic violence 家庭暴力 domestic flights 国内航班;Storey n. 楼层(Am.E.: story) Eg. There's a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。 drainage n. 排水,排水???统 drainage system=draining system 排水系统 drain v. 排水,流干;n. 排水;下水道,排水系统 brain drain 人才流失 go down the drain 白白浪费掉,付之东流 eg. 1. First you must drain the dirty water out and then clean the pipe. 2


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