六上 Unit 5 英语上册教材分析1-9年级Part A 第一课时.pptxVIP

六上 Unit 5 英语上册教材分析1-9年级Part A 第一课时.pptx

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人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do?Part ALet’s learn & Listen, match and sayLet’s chant together. Warm upWhat’s your father’s job? What’s your father’s job?He’s a doctor. He’s a great doctor.What’s your mother’s job? What’s your mother’s job?She’s a teacher. She’s a super teacher.Guess. What does he/she do? Lead indoctorteacherGuess. What does he/she do? driverfarmerGuess. What does he/she do? nursefootball playerNew wordsWhat does she do?Presentation['f?ktri]?工厂?['w??k?]?工人She’s a factory worker.What does he do?邮递员?['p??stm?n]?He’s a postman.What does he do?商人?['b?zn?sm?n]?He’s a businessman.What does the woman do?警察?[p?'li?s '?f?s?]She’s a police officer.Read after the tape.postmanpolice officerbusinessmanfactory workerLet’s learnListen and answer.1. Is your father a postman?No, he isn’t.2. What does he do?He’s a businessman.Listen and follow the tape.Zhang Peng:Oliver:Zhang Peng:Oliver:Is your father a postman?No, he isn’t.What does he do?He’s a businessman.Do practice.Is your ?No, .What does do? .炸弹游戏Practice学生读单词和词组,遇到炸弹的地方就抱头,否则炸弹会爆炸。 postmanpolice officerfactory workerbusinessmanListen, match and say.Jiao Jie’s motherpolice officerGe Nan’s fatherpostmanZhou Jia’s motherfactory workerLiu Qian’s fatherbusinesswomanWhat does Jiao Jie’s mother do?She’s a businesswoman.听力原文: 3.Boy: Hi, Zhou Jia. Is you mother coming today?Zhou Jia: No. She’s too busy. Boy: What does she do?Zhou Jia: She’s a factory worker. 1.Girl: What does your mother do, Jiao Jie?Jiao Jie: My mother is a businesswoman. 2.Boy: Hi, Ge Nan. Today is Career Day. What do you want to do?Ge Nan: I want to be a police officer, just like my father. Boy: Cool! 4.Girl: My father is a doctor. What about you, Liu Qian?Liu Qian: My father is a postman.一、看图写单词。Exercisesbusinessman police officerworkerpostman_________ _________ __________ ________ 二、单项选择。( )1. My father is a _________. A. postman B. postwoman C. businesswoman( )2. —Is Mr Wang a factory worker? —_


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