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1 词 类 1. 名词:是实词的一种,是指人、物、事、时、地、情 感、概念等实体或抽象事物名称的词。 Eg. The bag is in the desk. I washed my clothes yesterday. We selected him our monitor yesterday. Mary lives with her parents. Beijing is our capital. 名词: noun (n.) 2 2. 动词:就是用来表示各类动作的词汇。 Eg. She can dance and sing. She wants to learn English well. 动词的分类: 1 )按动词的功能 实义动词 (come, go, run…) 系动词 (be, feel, look, smell…) 助动词 (do, does, did, will…) 情态动词 (can, should, may…) 3 2) 按动词后是否带宾语 及物动词( vt.) 不及物动词( vi.) 3) 动词的五种形态 原形( do) 第三人称单数形式 (does) 过去式 (did) 过去分词 (done) 现在分词 (doing) 动词: verb (v.) 4 3. 形容词:用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性 质,状态,和特征。 Eg. The movie was boring. You have an honest face. She is wearing a blue coat. Edison is one of the greatest scientists. She looks younger than before. 形容词: adjective (adj.) 5 4. 副词:是一种用来修饰动词、形容词或全句的词。 Eg. She works hard. She speaks English well. We are having an English class now. This room is too small for us. My father is not in, he is out. Jim speaks English better than Tom. 副词: adverb (adv.) 6 5. 代词:是代替名词的一种词类。 Eg. John is an outgoing boy. He is Ricks friend. This is Michaels car. I like his car. Mary is talking to herself. ---Do you have a car? ---Yes, I have one. There are 55 students in the classroom. Everyone is here. 代词: pronoun (pron.) 7 6. 冠词:是一种虚词 , 用在名词或名词词组的前面 , 表 示名词是特指还是泛指。 冠词 不定冠词( a, an) 定冠词( the) Eg. I am reading an interesting story . There is a tree in front of my house. Do you know the tall man in black ? I bought a book yesterday. The book costs 15yuan. 冠词: article (art.) 8 7. 数词:数词是表示事物的数量和顺序的词,分为基 数词和序数词。 Eg. There are about five thousand students in our school. Every year, millions of people visit this museum. The second is better than the first. 数词: numeral (num.) 9 8. 介词:介词是一种表示词与词、词与句之间的关系 的虚词。 Eg. Some books are on the desk. Some students goes to school by bus. My brother joined the army in 1999. 常见介词: in, on, at, before, after, by, with, about, of, over, above, under, below, around, between, among, into, out of, up, down, through… 介词: prepositi


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