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安徽省亳州市闫桥中学2020年高二英语期末试题 一、 选择题 1. I wanted some more cold meat but there was ____ left. A. no one????? B. nothing???? C. neither??????? D. none 参考答案: D 2. _____ daily school life we are experiencing every day, the film has attracted many young people. A. Regardless of B. In view of???? C. Judging from? D. Based on 参考答案: D 3. The reason _________ he gave for his being away for such a long time is _________ his mother was ill.? ? A. why; that???? B. that; that?? C. that; because???? D. why; because 参考答案: B 试题分析:考查定语从句和表语从句。先行词为表原因的the reason, 且从句中的gave缺宾语, 所以第一空用关系代词that 或which用作gave的宾语, that 或which可以省略; 第二空是由that引导的表语从句, 即The reason …is/ was that…句式。1 【知识拓展】 reason理由(名词),reasonable合情合理的(形容词) 1. reason??? (1)the reason for sth. /doing sth.为某事或做某事的理由。the reason for his being late他迟到的理由 (2)reason理由(名词),在句中做主语,后面的表语从句用that引导。The reason was that he had little education.理由是他受教育少。 (3)reason理由(名词),作先行词,在定语从句中作原因状语时用why引导定语从句,比如:The reason why he was late for class was that his mother was ill.他上课迟到的理由是她的妈妈病了。reason理由(名词),作先行词,在定语从句中作主语或宾语时用that/which,比如:The reason that/which she gave me was that she had got up late.他给我的理由是他起床晚了。 2. reasonable合情合理的(形容词),连系动词后面作表语。 What he said sounded reasonable.他说的话是合情合理的。 4. Compared with the price of that store,the price of this one sounds________—all the goods are good value. A.considerable??? B.reasonable? C.available? D.sensible 参考答案: B 5. It’s too late to invite Tim. ______, you know how Tim hates parties. ??? A. Besides ? B. However C. Still D. Instead 参考答案: A 6. Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp said____ it sold 18.7 million smartphones in 2013, up 160 percent year-on-year, and _____ it officially expanded to Singapore ____Jan 1, in a bid to enter the global market. A. that, that, in??????????????????????????? B. 不填, 不填, on C. that, 不填, in?????????????????????????? D. 不填, that ,on 参考答案: D 7. He began to take political science ___ only when he left school. A.strictly?? B.truly?? C.carefully?? D.seriously 参考答案: D 8. Most disast


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