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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 2017高考作文素材   高考的考生在作文素材的积累上应该学会多选择一些优秀的作文素材进行积累,下面是小编整理的一些关于2017高考作文素材的相关资料,供你参考。   2017高考作文素材1:The Advantages of Student-centered Class  In the past, the majority of classes are teacher-centered, which means teachers talk all the time, students are just listeners. But now, such form has changed, teachers start to focus on students, they let students become more active in the class, student-centered class has many advantages.   在过去,大多数课堂是以教师为中心的,这意味着老师总是在讲,学生只是旁听者。但是现在,这样的形式已经改变了,教师开始把眼光集中在学生身上,他们让学生在课堂上变得更活跃,以学生为中心的课堂有很多优势。   First, student-centered class involve more students, it can catch students attention easily. Teachers are no more the only roles, students play an active part in the class. They can catch up with teachers idea quickly, students need to focus their attention highly, because the teacher will ask them question any minute.   第一,以学生为中心的课堂有的学生参与,这很容易吸引学生的注意力。教师不再是唯一的角色,学生在课上扮演更活跃的角色。他们可以很快跟上老师的思想,学生需要高度集中他们的注意力,因为教师会随时提问问题。   Second, students can enhance learning and ability of creativity. Student-centered class needs students to be active, teachers are trying to motivate their enthusiasm and let students free to talk about their ideas, so that they can enhance the ability of creativity.   Creativity is very importance for a student.   第二,学生可以提高学习和创新能力。以学生为中心的课堂需要学生变得活跃,教师努力去激发学生的热情,让他们自由表达思想,这样他们就能提高创新能力。创新对学生来说很重要。   Student-centered class is more and more popular now, teacher now pay more attention on students, this is a good trend. I think it is a good way for teaching students.   以学生为中心的课堂现在变得越来越受欢迎,教师现在更加关注学生,这是很好的趋势。我认为这是一种很好的教学方式。   2017高考作文素材2:Chinese English  Today, learning English has become an important part of our life. Since we go to school, we study English almost everyday, but it seems to be such common phenomenon that even though we learn English all the time, it is so hard for most people to speak in English. And the reasons are in the following.   今天,学习英语已经成为了


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