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中⽂摘要 古诗词艺术歌曲是中国古代⽂学作品的现代声乐表述,它在创作上借鉴了⻄ ⽅浪漫主义时期以来艺术歌曲的创作⼿法,⾼度体现出了具有中国特⾊的⼈⽂精 神和审美旨趣。本⽂以中国古诗词艺术歌曲作为研究对象,分为三个部分进⾏了 论述。第⼀部分主要论述了中国古诗词艺术歌曲的审美特征,认为其审美特征主 要体现在古诗词中形、意、情与声乐艺术的合⼀以及演唱⻛格多元化发展趋势这 两个⽅⾯;第⼆部分以赵季平创作的古诗词歌曲《关雎》为例分别从歌辞⽂本和 ⾳乐⻛格的⻆度对作品进⾏了分析,在歌词⽂本⽅⾯,分析了歌词的修辞⼿法和 语⾔节奏特点。在⾳乐⻛格分析上,则是论述此曲的曲式结构、七声⾳阶和戏剧 性旋律⾊彩。第三部分为结合⾃身的艺术实践对歌曲每⼀部分的演唱表现进⾏了 论述。 关键词:古诗词 艺术歌曲 《关雎》 修辞 语⾔节奏 咬字 吐字 ⽓息 语⽓ 1 Abstract The artistic songs of ancient poetry are the modern vocal expression of ancient Chinese literary works. They draw lessons from the creation techniques of artistic songs since the period of western romanticism, and highly reflect the humanistic spirit and aesthetic purpose with Chinese characteristics. This paper takes the Chinese ancient poetry and art songs as the research obj ect, which is divided into three parts. The first part mainly discusses the aesthetic characteristics of the artistic songs of ancient Chinese poetry, which is mainly reflected in the combination of form, meaning, emotion and vocal art in the ancient poetry, as well as the diversified development trend of singing style. The second part takes guan ju, an ancient poem by zhao j iping, as an example to analyze the works from the perspective of song text and music style. In the analysis of music style, it discusses the form structure, the seven sound levels and the dramatic melody color of this song. The third part discusses the singing performance of each part of the song in combination with its own artistic practice. Keywords: Ancient poetry art songs Guan ju Rhetoric Language rhythm; Enunciate Breath Tone 2 ⽬ 录 中⽂摘要 I AbstractI ⽬ 录


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