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广西壮族自治区玉林市北流第四中学2018年高三英语月考试题 一、 选择题 1. ---The girl looks so beautiful. Is she a model or a film star? ---________. She’s a teacher. A. You bet B. Forget about it C. Far from it D. Whatever you say 参考答案: C 略 2. “___________,” the soldiers screamed loudly, who held a gun in his hands, “or I will shoot again.” A. Stopped there B. Stopping there C. To stop there D. Stop there 参考答案: D 3. The heart is a(n)??????? organ,? It is of ? importance to our body and life. A.vital????????? B. energetic??????? C. living???????? D. lively 参考答案: A 4. Nowadays signs prohibiting smoking??????? a common sight in restaurants, tea houses and shopping malls. ? A. are??????????? B. is????????? C. were D.was 参考答案: A 5. —Where is the 10th anniversary celebration of the company held? —In Century Lotus Stadium, which is    easy reach for all staff. A.to B.beyond C.within D.from 参考答案: C ——公司的10周年庆典在哪里举办呢?——在世纪莲体育场,那里对所有职员来说都很近。within意为"在……之内";within easy reach意为"很接近,很靠近",此处表示对所有职员来说都很近。 6. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others , ??????, of course , made the others envy him . A. who????? ????????????????????? B. that?????? ????? ?????????????? C. what?????? ??????????????????? D. which 参考答案: D 7. —What do you suppose ______ her look so upset? ??? —______ by her boyfriend again. ??? A.made; She was misunderstood????? B.had made; Having been misunderstood ??? C.has made; Being misunderstood??? D.made; Misunderstood 参考答案: A 略 8. China’s navy has continued drills in the Western Pacific Ocean. The open-sea exercise is the first to involve air ??? from all three of China’s ships.? A.forces B.strengths C.powers D.advantages 参考答案: A 9. — Shall we put off the match because of the bad weather? — No. Rain or shine, the match will be held as ______. A. schedule???????????????? B. scheduling???????????????????? C. scheduled?????????????? D. to schedule 参考答案: C 10. Alex has finally become an astronaut, __________all his family members think is his dream career. ??



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