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本科生毕业论文(设计) 希腊债务危机的成因、影响及启示 姓  名 XX 学  号 20084010303 专  业 国际经济与贸易 指导教师 李XX 副教授 2012 摘 要 主权债务是指主权国家以自己的主权作担保,通过发行债券等方式向国际社会所借的款项,以国家信用保证偿还的债务。由于主权债务大多是以外币计值,向国际机构、外国政府或国际金融机构借款,因此,一旦债务国家的信誉评级被调低,就会引发主权债务危机。债务危机是指作为债务人的一国政府在一特定的、比较集中的时期内,因支付困难不能履行对内对外的债务契约、按期还本付息,致使债权人受到呆账损失或威胁的一个经济过程。 2009年12月全球三大信用评级公司(标准普尔公司、穆迪投资者服务公司和惠誉国际信用评级公司)相继下调希腊主权评级,将其国家信贷评级降至垃垃圾。希腊的债务危机随即愈演愈烈,而后危机不断深化和扩展引发的欧洲的主权债务问题又带来了全球金融市场的巨大震荡,严重影响了世界经济复苏的局面。并让各国重新审视自己的主权债务问题,同时也对正在融入全球化和地方债务问题突出的我国敲响了警钟,起着借鉴和启示之用。 关键词:债务危机;成因;影响;启示 Abstract Sovereign debt ,the loan issued by bonds through sovereign state to international society ,is money or credit owed by a central government.As most of the sovereign debt loaned from the international organizations, foreign governments or international financial institution is denominated in foreign currency,.once the debt credit rating was lowered, will cause the sovereign debt crisis. A sovereign default is a failure by the government of a sovereign state to pay back its debt in full. If potential lenders or bond purchasers begin to suspect that a government may fail to pay back its debt, they may demand a high interest rate in compensation for the risk of default. A dramatic rise in the interest rate faced by a government due to fear that it will fail to honor its debt is sometimes called a sovereign debt crisis.In 2009 December the three global credit rating company (Standard Poors Financial Services LLC Moodys Investors Service and Fitch Ratings) have Successively reduced Greeces sovereign rating , the national credit rating to rubbish.Greek sovereign debt crisis, which is started in the end of 2009, and the following European sovereign debt crisis have brought substantial impact on global financial markets, and aroused the attention of the entire world. it is an alarm for China. At the same time, it is an inspiration to China. Key Words: Debt crisis,Causes,Impacts and inspiration 目录 1引言 ……………………………………………………………………3 2希腊债务危机的成因……………………………………………5 2.1希腊债务危机的内部原因


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