人教英语选修六练习:nit Poem 含解析.docVIP

人教英语选修六练习:nit Poem 含解析.doc

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Period Ⅰ Words & Phrases Ⅰ.识记单词 1.tick vt.给……标记号 2.convey vt.传达;运送 3.concrete adj.具体的 4.contradictory adj.引起矛盾的;好反驳的 5.flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 6.pattern n.模式;式样;图案 7.tease vi.& vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄 8.salty adj. 含盐的;咸的 9.endless adj.无穷的;无止境的 10.minimum n.最低限度;最少量;最小数 11.translation n.翻译;译文 12.branch n.枝条;支流;部门 13.eventually adv.最后;终于 14.transform vt. & vi.转化;转换;变换;改造 15.sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;懊悔 16.bare adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的 n.最基本的要素 17.librarian n.图书馆馆长;图书馆管理员 18.forever adv.永远 19.section n.部分;节;切下的块 20.appropriate adj.适当的;正当的 21.exchange n.交换;交流;互换 vt.& vi.调换;交换 22.diploma n.毕业文凭;学位证书 23.sponsor n.赞助人;主办者;倡议者 vt.发起;举办; 倡议 24.blank n.空白 adj.空白的;茫然的 25.compass n.指南针;罗盘;(复数)圆规 26.bride n.新娘 bridegroom n.新郎 27.championship n.冠军称号 28.darkness n.黑暗;漆黑 29.warmth n.暖和;温暖 Ⅱ.重点短语 1.make a list of 列出……的清单 2.make sense 讲得通;有意义 3.in particular 尤其;特别 4.stay up 熬夜 5.be made up of 由……构成 6.take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容 7.take sth.seriously 认真对待某事 8.run out of 用光;耗尽 9.be popular with 受……欢迎 10.o 把……改为/变成…… 11.according to 根据;按照 12.have fun 玩得高兴 13.by chance 碰巧;意外地 14.hold on 别挂断;继续;坚持;保持 15.at the bottom of 在……的底部 16.by oneself 独自地;独立地 17.try out 测试;试验;尝试 18.let out 发出;放走;泄露 Ⅲ.单句语法填空 1.Sometimes teasing (tease) is funny, but sometimes it is hurtful. 2.We appreciate your flexibility (flexible) in dealing with this matter. 3.—I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow. —Take it easy. 4.Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless (end) stream. 5.She worked so hard that eventually (eventual) she suffered from a serious headache. 6.The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has branches (branch) all over the country. 7.The company has been transformed (transform) from a family business into a state operation. 8.Having been translated (translate) into many languages, Harry Potter is popular with children and adults all over the world. Ⅳ.根据提示词或结构补全句子 1.在炎热的夏天,人们带伞的原因是暴露在烈日下可能对祼露的皮肤有害。(why引导的定语从句) The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is that t


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