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摘 要 手提袋是一种被广泛应用的包装元素,常用于服装、食品、皮鞋、礼品、烟酒、药品等商品。一个设计精美的手提袋在为购物者提供方便的同时,已成为商家宣传其产品或品牌的一种有效手段。即使提袋上印有醒目的商标或广告,顾客也会乐于重复使用。纸质手提袋作为手提袋中的一个分支,凭借绿色环保的特点将会逐渐取代塑料包装袋,具有较好的发展前景。 尽管手提袋集使用与宣传功能为一体,是一种廉价的宣传媒介,但商家在追求手提袋印刷高品质的同时仍希望降低其制作成本。胶版印刷因其制版工艺简单、印刷成本低廉、印刷色彩鲜艳丰富、套印精度高、印刷率效快等优点,成为目前手提袋印刷的首选方式。 本设计使用了Illustrator、Photoshop等图形处理软件,并结合软件各自的特点,对手提袋进行了尺寸图、装潢图的设计与处理,努力使本手提袋具有号召力与艺术感染力。通过认真体会《印刷工程系02届毕业十周年同学聚会》的重要纪念意义,设计出了该样袋。在查阅了相关书籍资料,了解PS版的制版方法,工艺流程及注意事项,进一步加深了对相关知识的理解和掌握。 关键词:手提袋;胶版印刷;Illustrator、Photoshop软件 ABSTRACT Handbag is a widely used packing element and is often used for clothing, food, leather shoes, gifts, alcohol and tobacco, drugs, and other commodities. A beautiful design in the bag for shoppers provide convenient while, promote their products has become a businessman or brand of a effective means. Even if the bags with marked trademark or advertising, the customer will also be generous to use again. Paper bag as a branch of bag, with the characteristics of green environmental protection will be gradually replace plastic bags, have good growth prospects. Although handbag set use and publicity function as one, is a cheap publicity media, but the businessman in pursuit of the bag printing high quality while still hopes to reduce the production cost. Offset printing because of its simple process, printing plate making low cost, bright color printing rich, high precision, printing overprint efficiency advantages of fast, become the preferred method of bag printing. This design USES Illustrator, Photoshop and other graphic processing software, and combined with the software of the features of the bag to the size of the map, decoration map design and processing, and strive to make this handbag with appeal and artistic appeal. Through careful experience the printing engineering 02 the graduate students gathered 10 anniversary of important commemorative meaning, designed the sample bag. In turn related books information, understanding PS version of the plate making method,



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