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2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场 高一册 Units22 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The opportunity to travel is one of the main ______(吸引人的地方) of this job. 2.It gave me a real ______(激动) to see her again after so many years. 3.Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western ______(文明). 4.You don’t really see anything—it was only ______(想象). 5.To their disappointment, only a ______(少数) of people support these new laws. 6.Janet has a very good ______(收集) of foreign coins. 7.Big cities have theatres, films, football matches, and many other ______(娱乐). 8.China has made great ______(成就) in economic construction.[来源:学科网] 9.The hours of waiting seemed ______(无限的), so Jim decided to give up. 10.The public should be ______(教育) how to use energy more effectively. [答案] 1.attractions 2.thrill 3.civilization 4.imagination 5.minority 6.collection 7.amusements 8.achievements 9.endless 10.educated Ⅰ.完成句子(湖北专用)[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] 1.If you need my help, ____________(给我写信).(drop) 2.I ____________(上网) all the time and I like plputer games, too.(surf) 3.She ____________(仍在找) a new job.(hunt) 4.Say something one or two more times and slowly ____________(起作用).(help) 5.I think a good friend should be kind, honest and __________(对……忠心) me.(loyal) 6.He ____________(把头撞到了树上) in the darkness.(strike) 7.I won’t be able to ____________(7点以前离开办公室).(get away) 8.The rope is too thick ____________(穿不过这个孔).(go through) 9.He studies French ____________(而且学英语).(as well as) 10.I want to go to the party, but ____________(另一方面,我该学习).(on the other hand) [答案] 1.drop me a line 2.surf the Internet 3.is still hunting for 4.it helps 5.loyal to 6.struck his head against a tree 7.get away from the office before 7 o’clock 8.to go through the hole 9.as well as English 10.on the other hand, I ought to be studying Ⅱ.单项填空 1.I wanted to catch ______ early train, but couldn’t get ______ ride to the station. A. an; the         B. /; the C. an; / ???? D. the; a 2.What she has in mind is beyond ______. No one can tell what she will do next. A.


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