Unit 14 Have you packed yet Section B 2 英语教学课件.pptVIP

Unit 14 Have you packed yet Section B 2 英语教学课件.ppt

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* * Unit 14 Have you packed yet? Section B Period Two wave scene hit appear lead some day be off n. 波浪;波涛 n. 舞台 n. 成功而轰动一时的事物 v. 出现;露面;(公开) 演出 n. 主角 来日;将来某一日 离开;走开 Words preview They have had three major concerts and made a hit CD. Listen and answer. How many major concerts have they had in the last 12 months? 3a Read the article. Circle the things the New Ocean Waves have already done. Underline the things they haven’t done yet. Things they have done: have three major concerts; play mostly their own songs; have a few songs in the top ten; give money to a charity Things they haven’t done: appear on TV; go on a world tour; perform in ten different cities; have a number one hit Complete this review of Apple Ice Cream. You can use the information from 2a and 2b. Apple Ice Cream is a _____ band. They have written their own ________ songs although they used to sing other people’s songs. rock original 3b 4 Groupwork Answer the questions. Then survey two other students. Try to find out more information. A: Have you ever been to a concert? B: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day concert last year. A: Did you enjoy it? B: Yes, I enjoyed it very much. 1. written original songs 所做的最早的歌曲 1) original adj. 最初的, 最早的 The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 原先的计划优于我们所实行的计划。 2) 新创的, 有创见的 an original design 别出心裁的设计 2. won an award 赢得一项奖 1) award n. 做过决定而赠与之物(奖品等) His horse was given the highest award at the show. 他的马在展览会中得到最高奖。 2) v. 颁发、授与、赏给 He was awarded the first prize. 他获得了第一名的奖励。 3. One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. NOW是乐坛最好乐队之一。 one of +最高级+名词的复数形式这一结构 是大家较为常见的。 Surfing is one of the most popular water sports in the world. 冲浪是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。 4. And they’re going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities. 他们将进行一次环球巡回演出,将会在 10个不同的城市进行。 1) tour n. 旅行,周游 a round-the -world tour 环球旅行 2) in which they will perfo


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