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? 按传播工具分: Newspaper coverage, magazine coverage, radio news, TV news, cable news, dispatches. ? 新闻事实发生的地域和范围: home news, local news ? 报道的内容: political news, economic news, technological news, cultural news, sports news, violence and crime news, disaster news, weather news, obituary, entertainment . ? 新闻与新闻价值( news and news value) ? News value determiners/determinants ? 时效性 timeliness 和新鲜感 freshness ? 重要性 importance, consequence, impact or significance ? 显著性 prominence ? 接近性 nearness, proximity or locality ? 新闻与新闻价值 ? 奇异性 unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty ( when a dog bites a man, thats not news; but when a man bites a dog, thats news) ? 趣味性 interest, crime, morals and ethics, population, life, marriage, family, friendship, love and emotion, money, sex . ? News- headline ? Lead ? Inverted Pyramid Style ? body 1. They summarize the news, so that by taking a glance at the headline, the reader will know what the story is about 2. They attract the readers attention with large print and sometimes with language of shocking or sensational effect; 3. They index the news, i.e , rank the importance of stories by the size of the print and placement on the page 4. They decorate the page; 5. They fill the space (1) Sentences are preferred to phrases. A Fortunate Grandmother Granny Hugs Daughter Lost for 30 Years (2) Nominal groups are condensed Co-Hab off campus Triggers Arguments /business/2016-05/20/contenthtm (3) The past tense verb form does not have “ ed ” Horse Bites Girl On Face Sexual Harassment Sparks Concern on Campus /world/2016-05/20/contenthtm (4) When you headline future events, “will” or “shall” is replaced by “to”. French Major to Compete in Beijing President to Talk on Peace Pact /business/2016-05/20/contenthtm (5) In passive voice, the verb “to be” is omitted Boy Found Dead In Basement Cab-Driver Trapped in Fake Accident (6) Co


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