外研版九年级英语上册 Module 7 unit2 It is still read and loved.导学案(无答案).docVIP

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 7 unit2 It is still read and loved.导学案(无答案).doc

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Module 7 Great books 主备人: 二次备课 审核: 学号__________班级____________师傅___________( )学友___________( ) 课题内容:Unit2 It is still read and loved. 课型:Reading (阅读课) 重点语法:一般现在时被动语态 交流预习一:重点单词。(师友互查) 1逃脱,逃离__________________ 2 洞穴___________________ 3 死的, 去世的______________ 4 邻居_______________________ 5 葬礼___________________ 6 惊奇的,惊讶的_____________ 7 活着的_____________________ 8 南方的_________________ 9 州,邦 ____________________ 10 举止_____________________ 11 日常的,普通的_________ 12 对话______________________ 交流预习二:重点句子。(师友互查) 1他不喜欢告诉他做什么事的人,所以他总是遇上麻烦。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 2它(该书)讲述了年轻人如何成长,人们如何批次相亲相爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 3现在,它(该书)仍被全世界人们阅读和热爱,人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。 复习引入:Look at the picture, try to know some points. 阅读理解一:1 Listen to the tape,skim and give the right order( 将下面的句子从新排序) (师友互助) A. Why The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a great book. B. One of my favourite great books is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer C. Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters.(人物) D. My favourite part of the book is adventure of Tom and Huck on the island. 1_________ 2________ 3______________ 4__________ 阅读理解二:Read for information. (师友互助) Paragraph 1 Choose the best answer. ( )1.The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is an________story. A.joke B.humorous C.action D. adventure ( )2. The story is set in the_____. A.eighteenth century B.nineteenth century C.seventeenth century D.sixteenth century Paragraph 2& 3 Choose the best answer. ( )3. Tom runs away to ___________ with his two friends. A. a quiet street B. an island C. a small town D. a forest ( )4. _________ is the bad man in the story. A. Injun Joe B. Huck Finn C. Becky D. Polly ( )5. People feel ____________when Tom appears at his own funeral. A. happy B. worried and sad C. fu


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