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汉字摘要 国务院20XX年出台了《相关开展新型农村社会养老保险试点指导意见》(以下称指导意见)。该指导意见就农村养老保险基础标准、任务目标、参保范围等15个方面提出计划,明确提出了到2020年基础实现农村适龄居民全覆盖目标。江苏省南通市从20XX年底开始在江苏率优异行新农保试点,历经三年努力,参保覆盖率达95.78%,在全国前列, 南通凭借本身优势,已在落实实施“新农保”过程中总结推广了很多宝贵经验。在取得成绩同时,我们也要冷静地思索制度中存在漏洞、分析工作中碰到难点,以愈加科学和人性化 管理方案服务参保对象,造福于民。本文将从南通市新旧农保制度对比,关键经验,几点提议和思索等方面进行探析。 关键词:南通 新农保 经验 问题 思索 Abstract The State Council in 20XX released to carry out the new rural social pension insurance pilot guidance (hereinafter referred to as guidance). The guidance on the basic principles of rural endowment insurance, mission objectives, the scope of the insured in 15 areas of planning, clearly put forward the basic 2020 cover all the rural school-age residents of the goal. Nantong in Jiangsu from the end of 20XX the first pilot projects on new farm insurance, after three years of efforts, the insured coverage reached 95.78% at the forefront in China, Nantong with their own advantages, has been in the implementation of the new agricultural insurance process summed up a lot of valuable experience in the promotion.In achievements, we should calmly think about the system loopholes, Analyze difficulties encountered in its work, in Chongfenjiedu Dangweizhengfu Hui Yi Zhong Yang and higher paper based on the spirit, to Gengjia scientific and humane management Fang An services to the insured object, for the benefit of the people. This paper will Nantong City, the development process of agricultural insurance, the main experience, some suggestions and thinking skills for analysis. Key words: Nantong new agricultural insurance experience problem thinking 引言 江苏南通市是中国长三角经济发达地域一个地级市,多年来,伴随经济实力不停增加,人民生活水平不停提升,农村人民对养老水平提出了更高要求。南通市委、市政府认真落实科学发展观,统筹城镇经济社会协调发展,着力推进和完善新型农村社会养老保险工作。在政府推进、政策引导、形式灵活和费率合理等综合原因影响下,农民参保热情空前高涨。 早在上世纪90年代中叶,根据民政部《县级农村养老保险基础方案》要求,南通即在全市农村推行农村养老保险工作。南通市在1996年以政府令形式,颁发了《南通市农村养老保险暂行措施》,经过10多年实践探索,南通市“老农保”形成了“个人缴费+市场机制”特色,和苏州、盐城共同被誉为江苏农村社会养老保险工作三面旗帜。不过,伴随经济社会发展水平不停提升,尤其是市城镇职员基础养老、医疗、城镇居民医疗等社会保险制度日益成熟,“老农保”已不能适应农民社会养老保障现实需求,制度设计上“先天不足”日益显现。农民个


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