新人教版八年级英语下册unit7 Section B 1-优质课件-.ppt

新人教版八年级英语下册unit7 Section B 1-优质课件-.ppt

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Unit 7;Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?;Section B 1 1a-2e;New words;bamboo n. 竹子;awake adj. 醒着;artwork n. 插图;Compare facts about these two animals. Use the language in the box to help you make sentences.;Panda — is 150 cm tall (standing on two legs) — weighs 100 kilos — eats 10 kilos of food a day;大熊猫最奇特的一点是新生儿在出生时相当的不成熟,体重仅是它母亲体重的0.1%,平均为145克左右,约为成年的千分之一。照顾孩子是一项非常艰巨的任务,通常历时18个月,有时长达两年,直到她的下一个孩子出生。 ;大象是现存世界最大的陆栖动物,主要外部特征为柔韧而肌肉发达的长鼻和扇大的耳朵,具缠卷的功能,是象自卫和取食的有力工具。象肩高约2米,体重3~7吨。非洲象耳大,体型较大,体重较重。亚洲象耳小,身体较小,体重较轻。 ;Listen and check(√) the numbers you hear.;Listen again and complete the sentences.;Take turns telling your classmates about pandas.;Here are some facts about koala, use the information above to make sentences.;Talk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you.;; 略读时,只需读每一段第一句话(较长的段落,读前两句)。第一句话常是整段讨论的主题。在结论段,重点可能在最后一句。阅读时,把文本标出来,是帮助回答问题好方法。可将关键词画线或在段落旁写下本段主题,一两个字就够了,关键在于涵盖全文的速度。?   略读时遇到不懂单词,试观察前后字来猜出意思。比如,在不懂的单字前面是形容词,那么这个字可能会是名词;在不懂的单字之前是副词,那么这个字可能会是动词。只要了解段落大意就好了。;Read the article to find out what these numbers mean.;What is Lin Wei’s job? 2. What do the baby pandas eat for breakfast? ;3. Why are pandas endangered? 4. What does the education program in Chengdu do?;Complete the sentences using words and phrases from the passage.;4. A special program in Chengdu teaches _______ about why pandas are __________.;Discussion;Important phrases;1. At birth, a baby panda is about… birth v. 出生 at birth 出生时 e.g. Man’s nature?at birth?is good. 人之初,性本善。 give birth to… 生(孩子);产生 e.g. My aunt?gave birth to?a beautiful baby girl yesterday. 昨天我婶婶生下一个漂亮的小女孩。;2. A panda can live up to 20 to 30 years. up to 到达(数量,程度等);不多于 e.g. In some area of Africa, children get educated up to 12 years old. 在非洲的一些地区,孩子最多受教 育到12岁。;3. …they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over! run over 跑上前去 over adv.穿越;从……的一边到另一边 e.g. She ran over to say hello, but I didn’t


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