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小学英语 人教版(PEP)四年级上册全册精品PPT课件 Unit 1 My classroomUnit 2 My schoolbagUnit 3 My friendsA2套A2套A2套Recycle 12套B2套B2套B2套C2套C2套C2套Unit 4 My homeUnit 5 Dinners readyUnit 6 Meet my family!A2套A2套A2套Recycle 22套B2套B2套B2套C2套C2套C2套每课均提供了两套精美课件! 目 录Unit 1 My classroomUnit 1 My classroomUnit 1 My classroom 第一课时 Lets talkI have a new pen. I have a new book. What do you have?Listen and answerWhat do we have?We have a new classroom.Whats in our classroom?My picture is in my classroom.Where is it?Its near the window.Lets talkWe have a new classroom.My picture is in my classroom.Its near the window.Lets learnclassroomLets learnpictureLets learnwindowLets talkLets talkLets talkLets talkLets practiseLets practiseLets chantA for apple.B for boy.C for cat and D for dog.E for egg and F for fish. G for girl and H for hand.I for ice-cream.J for Jet. K for kite and L for lamp.M for man and N for nose. Lets chantO for orange and P for pen. Q for queen and R for rain.S for sugar and T for train. U for umbrella.V for van. W for water.X for X-mas.Y for yellow.Z for zoo.Lets practise—I see a “p”.—Where is it? —It’s near the window. What is it?—It’s a picture.Lets practisepictureon Lets practisepicturebigLets practiseclassroomnewLets practisewindownearpictureLets practiseWe have a new classroom. It is so big. I see many new things in it. I see a picture. It is big and beautiful. It is near the window. I see some desks. They are new. I like our new classroom. Homework1.让学生回家观察自己家中的物品及它们的位置,试着回答问题:What’s near the window? Where is your picture?2.让学生尝试用自己的语言为父母介绍一下自己的教室。Unit 1 My classroom 第四课时 We have a new classroom.What’s in your new classroom? Four walls and a floor. Pictures and windows. And a yellow door!Open the door.Turn on the light.Close the window. Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard. Homework回家为自己做一个骰子,看一看,自己在家里可以为父母做些什么。B Let’s learnUnit 1 My SchoolGuess and say(猜一猜,说一说)I can see many flowers in it. Where is it?garden Water the flowers.I can see many books in it. Where is it?libr



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