词汇语义学 课程简.ppt

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词汇语义学课程简介 课程主要内容 章节安排 三、参考书目 课程内容和要求 本课程通过对语义学尤其是词汇语义学 的基本理论、研究方法及研究对象的介 绍,让学生了解语义学在当代语言学中 的地位及其发展状况、词汇语义学的发 展历程,掌握词汇语义学研究的核心对 象——义位的结构、义位的性质、义位 运用和义位演变中的一系列规律规则, 学会对词汇语义现象进行深入的思考和 研究 今由于语义学理论主要源自西方,因此学 习本课程要求学生在老师的指导和安排 下尝试阅读一些英文原著。 令尝试思考并提出一些语义学研究课题 第一章语交学藉提概说 ÷第二章义位的性质 ÷第三章义位的结构 第四章义位与语用 ÷第五章义位的演变 第六章义位的描写 张志毅、张庆云词 商务印书馆, 2001 贾彦德汉语语义学北京:北京大学出版社,1999 石安石语义论北京:商务印书馆,1993 张志毅、张庆云词和词典北京:中国广播电视出 版社,1994 令郭聿楷、何英玉语义学概论北京:外语教学与研 究出版社,2002 束定芳现代语义学上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2000 王寅语义理论与语言教学上海:上海外语教育出 版社2001 令李福印语义学教程上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999 令 John Lyons语义学引论:北京:外语教学与硏究 第一章词汇语义学概说 今第一节语义和语义学 语义:即语言的意义 今以语言的语音为载体,是思维的体现者,是客 观事物经人们认知后在头脑中的概括反映,是言 语交际过程的中心所在。 THE MEANING OF“ MEANING .s The term meaning is used in many ways, not all of them equally relevant to language Saying i did not mean to hurt himor exclaiming indignantly What is the meaning of this! refers to an intention. Anot her child means an extra mouth to feed or Smoke means fire signifies an inference The german“hund" means“dog"isa translation And so on g The meaning of meaning that, while not itself linguistic, is closest to language is that of the example A red light means stop. It is not quite the same as Smoke means fire. We do not make smoke in order to mean fire with it ☆SGN& SYMBOL Intertional and the non-international . Natural and conventional From the presence of the sign, a red (light) or smoke, anyone with the requisite knowdege can infer the existence of what signifies. But there is also an important difference between them Whereas smoke is a natural sign of fire, casually connected with what it signifies, the red light is a conventional sign of stop: it is a culturally established symbol o Traffic lights, like words, are part of a communicative system with arbitary values. We infer the meanings because we put them there ourselves we only get back our investment. It is the same with language


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