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教 案 纸 教 案 纸 月 日 第 章 第 课时 总第 课时 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等 (教学环节一般包括复习旧课、导入新课、讲授新课、学生操作、教师点评、归纳总结、布置作业等 ) 课 艮题 键盘操作与指法练习 教学目标 (包括知识目标、 能力目标、情感目 标) 知识目标:掌握正确的指法 能力目标:能够熟练运用正确的指法输入英文短文 教材分析(包括教 学重点、教学难点) 重点:正确的指法 难点:短文输入 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) 教法:案例教学理实一体 学法:榜样学习+任务驱动 教学过程设计 教学 环节 时间安排 主要内 容 师生双边活动 及教法运用 备注 讲 授 新 课 一、短文输入 The Guinevere was wrecked. For the n ext three days, death was with us constantly, never more than a wave away. A freighter passed near us. It seemed to come our way, the n passed on. Our radio went dead. But we fought back. With can vas and broke n pla nks, we patched holes. We bailed and steered One after noon a pla ne passed over, low eno ugh for us to read USCG on the win gs. We waved and shouted, but the aircraft was visible for only a few sec on ds. We doubted that we had bee n see n. We fought on through day and night, no Ion ger aware of our bruises, the cold and the wet. We no Ion ger heard the en dless howli ng of the storm. We were beyond exhaustion, beyond thought. On Friday, the wind dropped back to a gale. I got a sight of the sun and worked out a positi on line. We were about 240 miles off the coast. Then... Heather saw it first. It was a tan ker, half a mile away. We heard Heather's sob of relief and looked. We could see the n ame on the bow: Esso Gree nville. 学生操作 操作 归纳 10 "They see us!" Duke cried. We had thought our lives were over. But now we were being offered ano ther cha nee. The tanker came toward us slowly. Her crew was waving from the rail. Th ey threw us a line. I made it fast to the stron gest post on the boat. But at the first tug the post pulled out. Guinevere's bones were broken. She smashed against the tan ker. From the bridge they saw what had happened. Men worked furiously to help us. Ano ther line came snaking dow n. This one had a bos un's chair slung on it. One of the officers shouted, "Get that woma n off!" "She's a sailor," Duke shouted back. "As good as any of us." He pulled the chair over Heather's


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