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第二单元 口译的基本原则 内容 ? 技巧讲解 ? 热身练习 ? 范例 ? 练习 2020/7/24 2 技巧讲解 ? 口译的基本原则:准确、顺畅、快速。 ? “ 准确 ”是口译要遵循的最重要的基本原则。口译的准确性, 主要体现在思想、内容、要点的准确,译员要忠于原话的内 容与精神,语言风格也应尽量贴近原话。 ? “ 顺畅 ”是要求口译人员的翻译过程通顺自然,干脆利落。 要考虑到互译的两种语言表达习惯上的区别,做到既能表达 清楚原话的思想内容,又能符合双方的逻辑思维。还要求口 译人员要在短时间内理清讲话人的思路,做出条理化的技术 处理 . ? “ 快速 ”指译员说话的语速应相当于或略快于讲话人的语速。 另外,当讲话人停顿后译员应立即开始译,中间的间隔一般 不能超过两三秒,否则会招致听众的不满。 2020/7/24 3 热身练习 1. front desk 前台,服务台 2. car rental service 租车服务 3. foreign exchange counter 外汇兑换处 4. room service 客服服务 5. business center 商务中心 6. make a reservation 预订 7. to feel at home 感觉宾至如归 8. luxury/deluxe suite 高级套房 9. indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池 10. wake-up call 叫醒服务 2020/7/24 4 Dialogue A The following dialogue takes place at a hotel. Please interpret the dialogue into the target language. A: Good morning. Can I help you, maam? B: Good morning. I believe Hisense Group has reserved two standard rooms and an executive suite for us. We are from Canada. A: Just a minute, please. Ill check our reservation records. Hisense Group…Im sorry, theres no reservation here for Hisense Group. 2020/7/24 5 B: Im sure theyve made a reservation. They told me they had reconfirmed it before we came. Could you please check again or contact the Sales Department? A: OK. Let me see… In whose name has the reservation been made? B: The name should be Florence Simmons. A: Ah, yes, here it is…two standard rooms and an executive suite for Hisense Group. B: Are the rooms available now? A: Yes they are. Then can I have your passports, please? 2020/7/24 6 B: Sure, here you are. A: Thank you, maam. Would you please fill in this registration form with the name, address, nationality and method of payment? B: Ok. But what shall I put under ROOM NUMBER? A: Leave it there. Ill put it in fo



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