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2020 完形填空与综合填空答案及解析 一 A retired (退休的)Chinese couple have just finished a 19-day driving experience (经历) through the western United states.Chen, 64, and he 66-ye-old husband, Wang, 1 just 10,000yuan on the trip that was thousands of kilometers. “We used to work as drivers. Now, we drive to enjoy life,” Chen said after the 2 returned to their hometown Wuhan, Hubei province. She and her husband have driven across the 3 to the Tibet and through some Southeast Asian countries. Next year, they plan to 4 along the old Silk Road through Central Asia and on to Europe “We’re not 5 . We’re just as brave as Westerners,” said Wang, who added that his wife used to be good bus driver, and she is 6 good at driving. Chen said they 7 carefully for the trip, As neither can speak English, they wrong down all the addresses and useful 8 they might need. Once in the US, they also communicated (交流)by using the Baidu online translator. “We couldn’t understand them, and they couldn’t understand us,”Wand said “ 9 we had to use hand signals, but this worked out just fine.” The couple are an example of how Chin ’s 10 people are changing (原 形:change:改变) the way they spend retirement. Instead of staying stay at home, many are now taking a backpack and heading on overseas experience. 1. A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid 2. A. team B. group C. couple D. class 3. A. village B. town C. city D. country 4. A. walk B. run C. drive D. fly 5. A. afraid B. awake C. asleep D. alive 6. A. still B. even C. yet D. already 7. A. looked B. prepared C. studied D. called 8. A. plays B. letters C. books D. dialogues 9. A. But B. So C. And D. Or 10. A. old B. young C. rich D. poor 二 The Chinese backstroke(仰泳) swimmer Fu Yuanhui has become an unexpected star of the Rio Games. Her 1 in the pool have been s


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