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1 目录 修辞目的题介绍 1 实战演练 2 2 3 什么是修辞目的题? ? 修辞目的题是托福阅读考试中的一种常见题型,修辞是指是一种有效写作或演 讲的艺术,作者使用修辞是为了使文章能更有效地说服读者,从而达到某种目 的。常见的修辞手法有举例子、下定义、阐述、解释、对比、论证、反驳、强 调等。 举例: illustrate/exemplify/demonstrate/show 下定义、阐述、解释 : define/explain/describe 比较、对比 : compare/contrast 论证支持 : argue for/persuade/support 驳斥警告 : argue against/refute/challenge/criticize/cast doubt on/warn/caution 强调: emphasize/stress 4 修辞目的题考察什么? ? 考察单词,短语或是句子在句子之内或句子之间起到的作用,句子与整 体段落的联系,或段与段之间的联系 ? 考查是否理解作者为什么在文章中某个特别位置或者以某种特殊方式陈 述一个特别信息 5 常见的提问方式有哪些? ? The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to ... ? Why does the author mention X? ? The author uses X as an example of … ? In paragraph X, the author explains the concept of X by … ? What is the function of discussion of the terms X in paragraph X ? ? What is the purpose of paragraph X? ? In what ways are paragraphs 2 and 3 related to each other ? 6 My life of summer vacation is full of variety. During the summer vacation, I watched 5 movies. I went to the beach with my good friends. I also visited places of historic interest. The topic sentence Examples to illustrate the topic sentence 如何解答修辞目的题? ? 在涉猎原文细节信息的基础之上,有意识地注意句子之间的逻辑关系以及 段落的结构(解题过程中最核心、最关键的部分) ? 平时可加强练习,学会分析句子之间的逻辑关系,概括文章的构架 For example: 7 8 The astrolabe had long been the primary instrument for navigation, having been introduced in the eleventh century. It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars: by calculating the angles created by these points, it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood (The problem of determining longitude, though, was not solved until the eighteenth century). By the early thirteenth century, Western Europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, which helped when clouds obliterated both the Sun and the stars. Also beginning in the thirteenth century, there were new maps refined by precise calculations and the reports of sailors that made it possible to trace ones path with reasonable accuracy. Certain institution



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