2021春外研版九年级英语下册课件-Module 3-模块中考考点专练.pptxVIP

2021春外研版九年级英语下册课件-Module 3-模块中考考点专练.pptx

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安徽外研版九年级下 Module 3 Life now and then模块中考考点专练提示:点击 进入习题考点2考点1考点3答案呈现611Dwealthierseldom1perfectlymore comfortable7B22wealth2B8D33Awealth3untidy4wealthy4harder5B考点6考点4答案呈现考点5A11DA2B2A3B4A5used to一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. [2018?遂宁]To my surprise, our P. E. teacher can speak English __________(perfect). perfectly2. [2018?烟台]Town Cinema has _________________ (comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema. more comfortable3. [2018?宿迁]Look! Your room is really ________(tidy). You should learn to be organized. untidy4. [2018?孝感]Molly studies ________(hard) than her best friend Mary. harder二、单项选择。5. [中考?内江]—Time is money. —But I think time is ____ money. A. as important as B. more important thanC. the most important D. less important asB6. [2018?东营]—Look! How wonderful this paper-cutting is!—So it is. Paper-cutting is a/an ____ Chinese art with a long history. A. common B. modernC. important D. traditionalD7. [2018?天津]—Can you open a gift ____after you receive it in England?—Yes. We don't have to wait. A. mainly B. immediatelyC. nearly D. loudlyB8. [2018?南充]—I think that Eric writes as ____ as Betty. —So he does. A. more careful B. more carefullyC. most carefully D. carefullyD一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1. Millie lives on a healthy diet. She s(很少) has sweet snacks. eldom二、单项选择。2. [2018?莱芜]Nowadays some parents spend more time on mobile phones so that they ____ care for their kids. A. often B. seldomC. usually D. sometimesB3. [2018?盘锦]He is afraid of high places, so he ____ travels by air. A. seldom B. sometimesC. always D. often A一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I think people are much_________(wealth) today than those in the past.wealthier二、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。2. [2018?阜阳九中月考]As the saying goes, health is w. (财富). So we should take exercise to keep healthy. 3. Her great w(财富) brought her no happiness. 4. I want to be w(富有的) and healthy. ealthealthealthy单项选择。1. [中考?眉山]—How many ____ doctors are there in your hospital, David?—____ them ____ over one hundre


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