轨道线路检测 混凝土枕类型 (双语)混凝土枕类型(一) .ppt

轨道线路检测 混凝土枕类型 (双语)混凝土枕类型(一) .ppt

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* * Classification of Concrete Sleepers (Session I) 土木工程检测技术专业教学资源库 Learning Resources for Surveying Technology for Civil Engineering Majors 混凝土枕类型(一) 1. Definition of rail sleepers 轨枕定义 2. Classification of rail sleepers 轨枕分类 3. Features of concrete sleepers 混凝土枕特点 Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 The previous Jingzhang Railway Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 Lead-in 导入: 旧京张铁路 新京张铁路 The present Jingzhang Railway 1. Definition of rail sleepers 轨枕定义 Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 Position: transversely distributed under the rails Function: to maintain rails pressure transfer Requirements: firm, durable, elastic 位置:横向铺于钢轨轨底 作用:固定钢轨、传力 要求:坚固、耐久、有弹性 2. Classification of rail sleepers 轨枕分类 (1) By utilities 按用途 ordinary sleepers Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 桥枕 岔枕 普通轨枕 bridge sleepers turnout sleepers (2) By materials 按材料 混凝土枕 钢枕 wooden sleepers Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 2. Classification of rail sleepers 轨枕分类 木枕 concrete sleepers steel sleepers Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 3. Features of concrete sleepers 混凝土枕特点 (1) As heavy in weight and unified in size, concrete sleepers offer well-distributed elasticity and high level stability; 自重大,尺寸统一,轨道弹性均匀,轨道的稳定性高; (2) The high resistance of the track bed is beneficial to enhance the lateral stability; 道床阻力高,利于提高横向稳定性; (3) With rich resources for raw materials, concrete sleepers are not affected by climate, decay, and worms, and have long service life. 材源丰富,不受气候、腐朽、虫蛀等影响,使用寿命长。 Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 3. Features of concrete sleepers 混凝土枕特点 (4) Poor flexibility, complex fasteners, low insulation performance, and uneasy to conduct displacement. 弹性差、扣件复杂、绝缘性能低、更换较困难等。 Classification of Concrete Sleepers 混凝土枕类型 1. Definition of rail sleepers 轨枕定义 2. Classification of rail sleepers 轨枕分类 3. Features of concrete sleepers 混凝土枕特点 3.什么是持力层?什么是下卧层? 地基是有一定深度和范围的,当地基由两层及两层以上土层组成时,通常将直接与基础底面接触的土层称为持力层; 在地基范围内持力层以下的土层称为下卧层(当下卧层的承载力低于持力


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