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Conference Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (CEPPH 2012) 河海大学环境学院市政工程系毕业设计 978-1-61896-010-8 ? 2012 SciRes. PAGE 978-1-61896-010-8 ? 2012 SciRes. PAGE I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘要 灌南县河网密布,地处灌河流域,县城西有周口河,东有郑于大沟,北有调度河,中心有盐河,在武障河处汇交。灌南城西为新建城区,服务人口众多,工业用地占地面积达20%。为了防止生活污水直排和工业废水的偷排乱排,造成灌南县城水系的污染,实现灌南县城的可持续发展,灌南城西污水处理厂的建设已经刻不容缓。 本设计是灌南城西污水处理工程。其中有两部分,即城市排水管网系统和城市污水处理厂。 排水管网系统是现代化城市必不可少的公共基础设施,也是城市水污染防治和防洪防涝的骨干工程。排水体制是否合理直接影响整个排水系统的有效性,为了切合可持续发展的观念,结合灌南县现有排水现状,最终选择分流制排水体制。 灌南县城西污水处理厂设计规模为3万m3/d,设计进水水质为:BOD5=200mg/L,COD=323mg/L,SS=284mg/L,TN=43mg/L,TKN=33.5mg/L,TP=5.7mg/L。根据城市所处的地理位置和污水厂的规模,并结合考虑脱氮除磷的要求,城市污水处理厂设计采用Orbal氧化沟工艺;污泥采用浓缩脱水的方式处理。通过此工艺的处理,出水水质将达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B标准。 城市排水管网,管线总长30707m,造价5511.324万元;污水处理厂造价5021.116万元;整个污水处理工程造价10532.44万元。 全套图纸加扣 3346389411或3012250582 关键词: 城市污水处理厂 Orbal氧化沟 污泥处理 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III Abstract GuanNan prefecture is located in Guan river basin with its interconnected waterways.ZhouKou river on the west,ZhengYu ditch on the east,DiaoDu river on the north,and Yan river on the center,all the river gathering at WuZhang river. The west of GuanNan prefecture is a new downtown,service a great number of people, and industrial land covers an area of 20%. In order to prevent domestic sewage discharge into the river directly and industrial wastewater discharge disorderly,which can cause pollution of water system, we should construct GuanNan West sewage treatment plant as soon as possible. The design is a drainage system in the west of GuanNan prefecture.It is made up of two parts,namely,the design of system of urban drainage pipeline networks and design of the urban sewage treatment plant. The drainage system is an essential and indispensable part of modern city public infrastructure, and it is also the backbone on water pollution control and flood control projects . Whether the drainage system is reasonable or not can have a direct impact on the effecti


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