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大学英语(山东联盟山东青年政治学院版) 、 问题 :My family___on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job. 选项: A:got by B:got up C:got down D:got 答案 : 【 got by 】 、 问题 : They develop the specialized skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes needed to participate__sports and physical activities. 选项: A:by B:in C:on D:with 答案 : 【 in 】 、 问题 : According to the university president in Passage 1, what did the parents remind their children to do before they left for college? 选项: A:To have fun in everything they do B:To meet friends for life C:To develop more interest D:To work hard and achieve the best they could 答案 : 【 To work hard and achieve the best they could  】 4 、 问题 : The topic sentence, sometimes called a general statement, presents the topic or the main idea of the paragraph, and it always ears at the beginning of a paragraph. 选项: 对 错 答案 : 【错】 5 、 问题 : “Education passes from generation to generation 为“教育代代相传”。  ”译 选项: 对 错 答案 : 【对】 、 问题 : The 21st century learner has many educational traits that older educators may not be familiar or comfortable with. How does all of this impact the field of education? At the bottom of all this is the simple fact that the amount of information is growing almost as quickly as new technologies develop. We now process more information in 24 hours than what the average persons 500 years ago would process in a lifetime. By the time today's kindergartners graduate from grade 12, information will have doubled at least seven times while technological power will have doubled itself nearly nine times! And to think that the general structure of today ’s university was solidly established by AD 1500! With the rate of information growth continuously accelerating, higher education today must place less emphasis on the amount of material memorized and more weight on making connections , thinking through issues, and solving problems. We must discard the notion that schools can teach everything, and every student will need to know how to be successful in t


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