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12 月7 日,12 月8 日托福考试小范围机经预测-口语 很多同学拿到口语机经之后 ,就开始按照刷题的方式进行练习 ,每道题做的非常精细 ,反复录音 , 反复充实内容 ,结果花了不少时间。其实 ,如果是常规练习 ,我们非常推荐这个方式 ;但是考前 , 我们没有太多的时间去充分研究口语机经 ,所以只能利用有限的时间 ,尽可能的多接触一些独立题 目,形成自己的答题模式 ,万一在考试的时候真正遇到了原题 ,能够让我们以更加轻松 ,从容的心 态来应对。这里给大家总结了独立口语机经的正确使用方式 ,以便让大家更高效的利用考前有限的 时间来进行独立口语练习 : 1. 按照机经话题的分类 ,把每道题目逐一过一遍 ,了解具体内容 ; 2. 在脑海中构思每道独立题目的答题逻辑 ,建议按照 “观点+理由1+例子1+理由2+例子2”的 结构进行构思 ;(如果想不到合适的例子 ,先想出2 个理由即可) 3. 尝试以句子为单位 ,按照之前的构思 ,输出独立口语答案 ,不要求例子等细节内容丰富 ,但要 求结构完整。 附1 :考前独立口语小范围预测 :  教育类 : 1. Do you think universities in the future will on day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead. 2. When choosing research paper topics, some teachers give students the freedom to choose topics that interest them, others assign topics to students. Which do you think is better and why? 3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should work for a year before entering university? 4. Your university decided to allow local communities to listen in the campus, they could enter into the class, but can’t ask questions and don’t have assignments. Do you agree or not agree? 5. Some think that students should attend school for only 9-11 months a year, others think that students should attend school all year round. Which do you think is better for students and why? 6. When having class discussions, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately; while other people prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions first. Which do you think is better?  生活类 : 7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Process is more important than result. Please include details and examples in your explanation. 8. Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as a


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