新编剑桥商务英语初级 Module 1029331.ppt

新编剑桥商务英语初级 Module 1029331.ppt

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Writing Test: Part Two Exe. 4 新编剑桥商务英语初级 Module 1029331 Vocabulary portfolio n. 文件夹,公事包 prioritise v. 给予……优先权 mind gymnastics 思维锻炼 relative clause 定语从句 relative pronoun 关系代词 workshop n. 研讨会 handout n. 上课老师发的印刷品 mediation class 沉思冥想课 Vocabulary crossword puzzle 纵横字谜游戏 tuna n. 金枪鱼 charismatic adj. 超凡魅力的 dynamic adj. 有创新思想的 authoritative adj. 有威信的 disagreement n. 意见不合,分歧 discard v. 扔掉,弃置 Reading: Business Skills Portfolio Exe.1 Reading: Business Skills Portfolio Exe.2 Grammar: Relative Clauses who and that can both be used for people. which and that can both be used for things. We also use the relative pronouns where and whose for places and possessives. Grammar: Relative Clauses Exe. 3 Grammar: Relative Clauses Exe. 4 Grammar: Relative Clauses Exe. 5 Grammar: Relative Clauses Exe. 6 Grammar: Relative Clauses Exe. 7 Sometimes we can leave out who, which or that if it is not the subject of the verb. Listening: Creativity and Leadership Exe. 1 Listening: Creativity and Leadership Exe. 2 10.2 Organising a Conference 组织会议 Focus 学习重点 熟悉与会议相关的词汇 练习在听力与阅读过程中寻找具体信息 练习讨论与会议相关的话题 掌握邀请函的写作方法 Vocabulary:Collocations Exe.1 1. keynote speaker 主讲嘉宾 2. development agency 发展机构 3. new venture 新创企业,创业企业 4. enrolment form 报名表 5. multi-sectorial event 多领域事件 6. speaker’s fee 演讲费 Listening:What’s still to do Exe. 2 Listening:What’s still to do Exe. 3 Listening:What’s still to do Exe. 4 Listening:What’s still to do Exe. 6 Listening:The conference budget Exe. 7 Listening:The conference budget Exe. 8 Speaking: Small Talk Exe. 1 Speaking: Small Talk Exe. 1 Speaking: Small Talk Exe. 3 Speaking: Small Talk Exe. 5 Listening: Offers and Invitations Exe. 7 Writing: Replying to an Invitation Exe. 9 Writing: Replying to an Invitation Exe. 10 10.3 Writing Test: Part Two Exe. 1 Writing Test: Part Two Exe. 2 Writing Test: Part Two Exe. 3



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