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初二听力材料 A. 听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。 1. M: Linda, you are going to Guilin next week, aren’t you? W: Yes. M: How will you go there? W: I will take a train because it’s cheaper than driving and flying. 2. W: Would you like to climb hills this Saturday? M: No, why don’t we go fishing? 3. M: What is your biggest problem these days, Kitty? W: I have too much homework to do. 4. M: This is the most special lantern I have ever seen. W: Believe it or not, we used one hundred and fifty waste CDs. 5. M: What’s your daughter like? W: She has two big blue eyes and long black hair. M: We’ll call you as soon as we find her. 6. M: Hi, Mary! Did you watch the basketball match on TV yesterday? W: No, I didn’t. Was there anything interesting? M: Yes. The match was between the Rockets and the Lakers. Yao Ming did a very good job. He helped the Rockets win the game. 7. W: How long are you going to stay in Shanghai? M: For about six or seven weeks. I’m on holiday. 8. M: Do you usually go home at seven, Gina? W: Yes, but I went home one hour later yesterday. 9. M: Jim has a big nose and small eyes. W: Yes, but Jack, Jim’s brother, has a small nose and big eyes. 10. W: Do you like your new teacher? M: He’s all right. The only problem is that he never stops talking B.听短文,回答11~15题. (听两遍) There is a lot of love around you. One day, when I was playing football with my classmates on the playground, I fell down and hurt my legs badly. My classmates took me to the hospital at once. During my stay in bed, some of my classmates came to see me and helped me with my lessons. So I caught up with others soon after I came back to school and passed all the exams. I was so thankful. Love is giving and love is paying attention to others. Thanks to my classmates, I will do my best to give all my love to others. 答案 听力:1-5 BCCCA 6-10 ACAAB 11-15 ABCAB 单选 16-30 BAAAB CBDBA CBADB 完型 31-40 BDAAC BDACA 阅读 41-50 CABBCDCADD 词汇 instuctions 52. journe



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