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` 中考英语阅读理解专项复习 (导学案) 教学目标: 1. 了解英语阅读理解的四种题型 . 2. 掌握不同题型的解题方法和技巧 . 提升学生阅读理解的能力 . 学习重难点: 学习运用阅读理解的方法技巧快速正确地找到答案 . 教学过程: Step1 lead-in TFBOYS is a popular Chinese boy band made up of three members.They are Wang Junkai, 14, Wang Yuan, 13, and Yi Yangqianxi, 13.The boys are all junior middle school students. The band name TFBOYS means The Fighting Boys. 1.The band name TFBOYS stands for_________. A. The Fighting Boys B. The Famous Boys C. The Friendly Boys D. The Fat Boys Main types of reading materials: a.People ’ s stories. c.News report. f.Culture and education.  b.Scientific knowledge. d. Ads and application style. g.Societ and life. ) Step2 Reading strategies 阅读理解主要题型  : 1.细节理解题( 3.推理判断题  to look for details ) 2.词义猜测题( (to infer a conclusion) 4. 主旨要意题  to guess the meaning) (to find out main idea) 阅读理解解题步骤:第一步,略读;第二步,寻读;第三步,复读 1.细节理解题 此类考题一般在文章中都能找到相对应的答案。主要提问方式有: 用 What/Who/When/Where/Why/How 等提问 . From the first (second/third ) paragraph we know that_____. ◆ Which of the following isn ’ t mentioned? Which of the following is TRUE/ NOT true ? 解题技巧:快速捕捉信息,尤其是一些事例、数字等,划出相关句子,去进行对照, 一般能从原文中直接找到答案。 2.词义猜测题 此类考题要求考生根据上下文确定某一特定的词或短语的准确含义,常见提问方式有: The word “ _____” in the passage probably means________. The underlined word “ it ” in the passage refers to(指的是) _______. ◆ What’ s the meaning of the underlined word “ ______” in the passage? 解题技巧:通过阅读单词附近的上下文, 断定该词的真正含义。 要注意单词本义之外的符合题意的含义。 3.推理判断题 这类题要求考生 透过表面文字信息推测文字的隐含意思, 对文章的发展情节和作者态度、 意图等做出合乎逻辑的推理判断 。常见提问方式有: What can we know according to the passage? We can guess the writer of the passage may be a_____. From the passage ,we can know_______. The writer writes this passage to______. The writer suggests( 暗示 ) that_______. 4.主旨要意题 【说明】主要针对段落(或短文 )的主题,主题思想,标题或目的,常见提问方式有: Which is the best title of the passage? What ’ s the main idea of the passage? This passage mainly talks about______. 解题技巧:应先通读全文,理解大意,充分理解主题句的意义。主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。 Try your hand A Marco Polo was from Venice, Italy. In 1271, at age 17, Marc


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