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A Happy Day My uncle lives in the country. Last fall, there was an apple harvest on his farm. He asked my family to enjoy the apples. On a sunny morning, my family drove to the farm. After we got there, I ate a big and red apple at once. The apple was so sweet. Then we helped harvest apples. In the afternoon, we had a big meal there. I thought it was delicious. I was very happy on that day! ? 期末测试(2) 根据下面的提示,写一篇语句正确、意思连贯的短文,描写在Mary生日那天发生的事。60个词以上。 提示:上周六是Mary的十三岁生日。妈妈带她去一家大商店,准备给她买一条新裙子。可是Mary不喜欢新裙子,她想要吃的东西,于是妈妈给她买了两公斤苹果。Mary还想要图画书和彩色笔,妈妈也给她买了。 仁爱英语七年级下册期末考前作文 练习册P66 假如你是Susan,今天是你13岁生日。请根据所给的提示信息写一篇约60词左右的短文,内容可适当发挥。 提示: 1、爸爸妈妈在家为你举办了生日聚会; 2、好朋友送你一个吉他,妈妈送你一件红裙子,爸爸送你一个MP5。 My name is Susan. Today is my 13rd birthday. My parents hold a birthday party at home for me. Lots of my friends and classmates come to the party. My good friend Lily sends me a guitar. My mother gives me a red skirt for present and my father gives me an MP5. I'm very happy to get so many presents and surprises. 练习册P74 Venus 是一个英国的小女孩,今年只有6岁,可他却十分能干。读读下的表你就知道了。 Age Things she an do 3 draw pictures and dance 4 read and write about 500 words 5 ride a bike and play the piano 6 swim and sing some songs 练习册P79 昨天是你好友lucy的生日,晚上她在家举办了生日宴会,你们每个人都给她带去了一份生日礼物,她喜欢玩具,你为她买了个飞机模型。在宴会上tina和maria跳芭蕾舞,leo弹吉他,david表演魔术,你唱了俩首中文歌曲,lucy跳迪斯科,每个人都玩得高兴 Yesterday was my friend Lucy’s birthday. She had a birthday party at home last night . Each of us sent her a gift. I bought her a model plane model because she likes toys. At the party, Tina danced with Maria. Leo played the guitar. David performed magic tricks and I sang two Chinese songs. Lucy danced to disco. We all had a good time. 练习册P82 昨天(5月23日,星期六)晚上你们在学校操场为刚来任教的两名美国外教举办了欢迎晚会。在晚会上同学们唱歌、跳舞、弹奏钢琴等等。请发挥想象力,写一篇60词左右的日记。要求语法正确,语句连贯。 练习册P86 学校文体部要招聘一名文体委员,要求多才多艺.Linda想去应聘,请你根据所给提示写一篇


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