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成功的投资者都具有这个特点 中国有许多以巴菲特为导师的成功投资者,但是这些投资者绝对不是把巴菲特的那些技术按部就班的来进行操作和实践!要知道的是我们身处的市场不同,所以投资方式和策略也不能完全相同!下面是小编为您收集整理的成功的投资者都具有这个特点,供大家参考! 巴菲特:成功的投资者都具有这个特点 When it comes to investing, knowing what you need to know is more important than just knowing things. 说到投资,知道自己需要什么比了解投资产品更重要。 You Don t Need to Have an Opinion on Every Stock or Investment 你不需要懂每一只股票或投资产品 One of the things that successful investors tend to have in common is that they do not have an opinion on every stock in the Universe. 成功的投资者共有的一个特点就是他们并不懂全球所有股票。 The major brokerage firms, asset management groups, and commercial banks seem to feel like it is necessary to attach a rating to everything security that is traded. 大型经纪公司、资产管理集团和商业银行好像都感觉有必要对所有安全交易进行评级。 Some popular financial talk show hosts take pride in espousing their view on virtually every business that s traded. 有些著名的财经访谈节目主持人对能评价所有的交易业务引以为傲。 While this can be useful when looking at corporate bonds and discovering whether they trade more toward the AAA rating or junk bond side of the spectrum, in a lot of cases, this obsession with metrics is somewhat nonsensical. 虽然这在观察企业债券并弄清是把钱投在了AAA级投资产品还是投在了垃圾债券时很有用,但在很多情况下,对指标的迷信有点荒谬。 Investing is not an exact science. Paraphrasing two of the industries priests, you don t need to know a man s exact weight to know that he is fat, nor do you need to know a basketball player s exact height to know he is very tall. 投资并非精密科学。借用两位行业专家的话,你不需要知道一个人的具体体重就能知道他很胖,你也不需要知道一个篮球球员的具体身高就能知道他很高。 If you focus on only acting in those few instances where you have a clear winner and watch for opportunities that come along every once in a while, sometimes years apart, you are likely to do better than the Wall Street analysts that stay up nights trying to decide if Union Pacific is worth $50 or $52. 如果你只关注几种投资产品,确定自己稳赚,并找准偶尔出现的机会,有时是多年不遇的时机,你就能比华尔街分析师做得还要好,他们可能还要熬几宿来确定美国联合太平洋铁路公司的股票值$50还是$52。 Instead, you wait till the stock is trading at $28 then pounce. When you find a truly excellent business, you are often best


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