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中外无障碍建设比较研究上海市市政规划设计研究院 祝长康 Comparative Study of Accessibility Construction between China and Foreign Countries Mr. Zhu Changkang, Senior Engineer, Shanghai Municipal Planning Design Research Institute 【摘 要】全文通过对中外无障碍建设情况的调研,研究了中外无障碍建设成功的经验,分析出中外无障碍建设的共同点和各自的特点,共同点是重视立法工作、政府主导、残疾人组织积极工作;各自的特点是美国注重无障碍建设的科学性、日本比较强调无障碍建设的系统性、欧洲坚持无障碍建设的实用性、而中国是在全社会动员的基础上推行全方位的无障碍建设,特别是结合世界级的大型活动提高无障碍建设的整体水平。文章最后指出:无障碍建设是尊重人权的行为,是为民造福的好事,是社会道德的体现,是构建和谐社会的必要物质条件,同时也是一个国家社会文明进步的标志。“消除障碍,促进融合”已成为国际社会推动《残疾人权利公约》有效履行的主题,关心爱护残疾人是全社会的责任,无障碍建设是各国政府的职责,通过世界各国的共同努力,就能确保残疾人全面和平等地享有所有人权,与健全人一样过上幸福的生活。 【关键词】残疾人、无障碍建设 【Abstract】 The full text of the barrier-free construction of the Chinese and foreign research, research and foreign barrier-free construction experience, analysis and foreign barrier-free building common ground and their own characteristics in common is of great importance to the legislative work, government-led organizations of disabled personsactively work; their own characteristics focus on barrier-free building science, Japan is more emphasis on barrier-free construction of a systematic, Europe insisted on the usefulness of barrier-free construction, China is to mobilize the whole society on the basis of the implementation of a full range of noobstacles to construction, especially in conjunction with world-class large-scale activities to improve the overall level of the barrier-free building. The article pointed out: barrier-free construction is the respect for human rights act, is to benefit the people of good social and moral embodiment of the necessary material conditions for building a harmonious society, but also a national social civilization and progress of the flag. Elimination of barriers, promote integration has become the international community to promote the effective discharge of the subject by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, concern and care for people with disabilities is the responsibility of society as a whole, the barr


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