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摘 要 常州 G 高职院借由高职教育蓬勃发展的大好契机,进入了高速发展期。但 是近些年来陆续出现的学生危机事件,严重影响到了学校的正常教学秩序,也对 师生的生命财产安全造成了威胁,在一定程度上损害了学校的声誉和社会认可 度,对学校的安全稳定与改革发展产生了不良影响。如何有效预防和正确应对可 能发生的学生危机事件、降低学生危机事件给学校带来的损失,成为常州 G 高 职院学生危机事件管理面对的重大现实问题。 本文通过文献查阅、案例分析和问卷调查,厘清高职院校学生危机事件管理 的概念与特点,分析常州G 高职院学生危机事件管理的现状,针对常州G 高职 院学生危机事件管理中存在的潜在危机事件预防工作不到位、危机事件预警系统 建设不健全、危机事件应急反应机制不完善、危机事件后恢复与提升能力差等问 题展开研究,有针对性地提出加强危机教育宣传、优化学生危机事件管理组织机 构、搭建有效的学生危机事件预警网络、展开校内校外多元主体管理模式、完善 危机公关机制等学生危机事件管理对策,期望以此推进常州 G 高职院学生危机 事件管理进程。 关键词:高职院校;学生;危机事件管理 I Abstract Changzhou G Vocational College has entered a period of rapid development by taking advantage of the vigorous development of higher vocational education. However, the student crisis incidents that have occurred in recent years have seriously affected the normal teaching order of the school, and have also threatened the safety of teachers and students ’lives and property. Stability and reform and development have had a negative impact. How to effectively prevent and correctly respond to possible student crisis incidents and reduce the losses caused by student crisis incidents has become a major practical problem faced by student crisis management in Changzhou G Vocational College. Through literature review, case analysis, and questionnaire survey, this article clarifies the concept and characteristics of student crisis events in higher vocational colleges, analyzes the current status of student crisis event management in Changzhou G Higher Vocational College, and addresses the existing problems in student crisis event management in Changzhou G Higher Vocational College The research on potential crisis incidents is not in place, the crisis


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