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极低体重儿体格发育指标的相关因 素分析 【摘要】目的分析新生儿重症监护室 抢救存活的极低出生体重儿生后早期头围 和体重的增长及其相关因素。方法 采集 2002年11月?2005年11月由NICU存活出 院、无先天畸形的极低出生体重儿共计 32 例病史资料,分别计算小儿体重和头围日平 均增长值作为院内生长发育指标,与胎龄、 住院天数、出生时的体重或头围、第 1周累 计蛋白质和热卡摄入量的资料进行相关性 分析。以Pv为差异有显着性。结果 32例 VLB戚生宫外发育受限的共 23例,发生率% VLBW新生儿住院期间体重日平均增长值与 第1周累计蛋白质和热卡摄入量呈正相关; 住院期间头围日平均增长值与出生头围呈 负相关,与第1周累计蛋白质和热卡摄入量 呈正相关。结论宫外发育受限在极低体重 儿发生率较高,出生后早期的营养支持对于 极低出生体重儿的院内生长发育至关重要。 【关键词】 极低出生体重儿 生长发育 头 围体重 The analysis of the early growth in very low birth weight infants I Abstract ] Objective To analyze the early growth in very low birth weight infants from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.Methods It is a retrospective study involved 32 cases of survived VLBW infants in our NICU from November 2002 to November infants are judged whether extrauterine growth restriction or not and calculated infants daily mean weight gain and head circumference increase as in-hospital growth correlation analysis of the daily mean weight gain and head circumference increase with gestational age,hospital day,birth weight and head circumference,as well as accumulated protein and caloric income in the first week after birth is completed P ,the statistically significant difference is The incidence of extrauterine growth restriction is %,and the interclass differences of gestational age and hospital day are statistically correlation analysis reveals that in-hospital daily mean weight gain and head circumference increase is positively correlative with accumulated protein and caloric income in the first week after Extrauterine growth restriction becomes a major clinical problem for premature can be directly related to the prognosis of these high-risk infants. I Key words ] VLBW infant;growth and development;head circumference ; weight 随着围产专业技术的发展与进步,越来越 多的小胎龄早产儿被抢救治疗存活, 与此同 时,这些极低出生体重儿的体格生长及运动 精神发育的远期预后越来越成为儿科的热 点问题。宫外发育受限一词是 2003年由 Clark等首次提出的,指小儿出院时生长发 育计量指标在相应纠正胎龄第 10个百分位 水平以下:1 ]。据Lemons等报道,约97% 出生体重v 1500 g的婴儿出院时存在宫外发 育受限[2]。本文分析近3年我院及儿童医 学中心NICU收治并抢救的32例极低出生体 重儿院内生长发育的指标及其相关因素。 1资料与方法 一般资


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