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Liquid and foliar fertilizing 液体叶面肥 Liquid and foliar fertilizing Practical tips for your golf course 液体叶面肥-实用技巧 Darren moore达瑞摩尔 Shadow Creek Golf Club GREEN CARE ASSOCIATION Feng ru冯睿 界填匦丽宫体育公园 Seminar Outline讲题大纲 Why foliar fertilize 为何要选用叶面肥 Turfgrass ability to absorb nutrients 草坪草吸收养分的能力 优势 Disadvantages 劣势 Liquid fertilizers 液体肥料 heated micronutrients 螯合态微量营养元素 加肥系统 Soluble fertilizers 可溶性肥料 A closer look at Fe(iron 铁元素的施用 Solubility of fertilizers 肥料的溶解性 H and nutrient response 酸碱度和对养分的影响 Tissue testing and soil testing 组织测试和土壤测试 Spraying equipment 施肥机器 Water rates 加水量 Nozzle selection 喷嘴选择 · Calibratio 你知道你买的液体肥是什么吗 Whats in the jug? 测量校对 Testing on site ·记录保存 Record Keeping Why liquid and foliar spray 为什么选择液体叶面肥? Lighter rates of nutrients 施用叶面肥元素施用率相对较低,用量少,肥料利用率高 Reduced chance of surge growth or fast release of nutrients from granular products- pending conditions 和颗粒肥相比,一般不会出现草坪草过密生长或者烧苗的 凊况-但也应考虑实际情况 Controlling growth of the plant 控制植物的生长 Only delivering nutrients when needed 只在需要供给植物养分时提供 Prepare turfgrass surfaces for important member events or tournaments 在有重要会员活动或赛事时,帮助更好的准备草坪以达到 要求的击打 Liquid Feeding -before or after major renovation work 在特殊养护前后施用液体肥 Liquid feeding- spring preparation 液体肥-为春季返青做准备 Consistency Control 效果均匀施用量控制 Balance between granular and liquid fertilizing 颗粒肥与液体肥交互施用 Plant ability to absorb nutrients 植物吸收养分的能力 Liquid and soluble nutrients that can be applied directly to the turfgrass leaves shoots and roots 易溶于水的产品可以直 接施用于草坪草的根茎 叶上 Plant ability to absorb nutrients 植物吸收养分的能力 Current formulations of liquid fertilizers are believed to penetrate mostly the transcuticular pores on foliage, which are open virtually all the time compared to stomata 目前液体肥所用配方成分被认为是能够穿透叶 片上的微细孔道-外质连丝被植物吸收,跟气孔 相比它张开的时间更长 More micro pores between stomas on cool season grasses 冷季型草坪草的气孔周边有更多微细孔道



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