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选修八unit1language-points;2. illustrate vt. 说明、阐明(用图示、实例等) The lecturer illustrated the theory with examples. Please illustrate how to use the machine.;;对人口的多少进行疑问时,可用 What’s the population of ….? What’s the population of California? have a population of …. 有多少人口 It has a population of over 30 million people. an increase / growth in population 人口 人口的增加growth / increase 或减少 fall / decrease ;;;Pudong Development Zone is no longer a rural area ________ it used to be. 2. Pudong Development Zone is no longer ________ it used to be. A. what B. where C. that D. there ; 8 However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.;;9. by means of : by using 依靠、凭借 那个囚犯从秘密通道逃走了。 The prisoner escaped by means of a secret tunnel. 思想可以凭借音乐的形式来表现。 Thoughts can be expressed by means of music. ;means : All possible means have been tried. Every possible means has been tried. The quickest means of travel is by air. by all means 无论如何、当然可以 by no means 一点也不、绝不(倒装) We can succeed ______________(通过)hard work. You can get there ____________________ (乘坐多种交通工具).;10. the majority (of) 大多数、大部分 The majority of the water is clean. The majority of students were against the policy. The majority is / are always able to impose (强加)its/ their will on the minority.;be in (the /a) majority 占多数、过半数 1).Those who are for the proposal _______. in the majority B. are the majority C. are in the majority D. is in the majority 2).The number of students in our class ___63 and the majority of them ___ clever and work hard. is; is B. are; are C. is ; are D. are; is 3) Young people were in the majority at the meeting. (Translate);;15. a large percentage have chosen…= a large percentage of Chinese-Americans have chosen… ... 1). A large percentage of population live in big cities. 2).这宾馆很大比例的收入来自于游览这湖的游客。 A large percentage of the hotel’s income comes from the visitors to the lake. 3).Only a small percentage of students are forei


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