(人教版)九年级英语:Unit6 Grammar & Writing课件(21页)(优质课件).pptVIP

(人教版)九年级英语:Unit6 Grammar & Writing课件(21页)(优质课件).ppt

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5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时, 动词短语应当被看作一个整体, 而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。 He listens to the radio every day. →The radio is listened to by him every day. 他每天听收音机。 The nurse is taking care of the sick man. →The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse. 那个护士正在照顾病人。 * 课件在线 ①—Why didn’t you go to the party? —Because I wasn’t__________ (invite). ②My mother made me do some washing. (改为被动语态) I________ ________ ________ do some washing by my mother. invited was made to 一、完成下列各题。 Practice * 课件在线 ④那张照片是什么时候被带到学校里来的? __________ ________ the photo__________ to school? ⑤这首歌是谁写的? ________ ________ the song__________ __________ ? When was brought Who was written by ③He was seen dancing on the square. (改为一般疑问句) __________ he__________ dancing on the square? Was seen * 课件在线 1.—When____the bridge ___? —Last year.   A.did; build B.was; build   C.was; built D.did; built 2.Flowers____along the road last year.   A.plant B.planted   C.are planted D.were planted 二、单项选择 C D * 课件在线 3.Many buildings in Lushan_____in the earthquake on April 20th. A.have destroyed B.are destroyed C.were destroyed D.are destroying C * 课件在线 4.The girl was heard___in the next room every afternoon.  A.to sing B.sing  C.singing D.sang 5.—Do you know Earth Day? —Sure. It___in 1970 to tell us to protect our planet.  A.sets up B.set up  C.is set up D.was set up A D * 课件在线 从古至今, 无数的发明走进了我们的生活。例如: 电灯泡(light bulb)、电视(TV)、电脑(computer)、电话(telephone)、自行车(bicycle)、雨伞(umbrella)等, 这些发明给我们的生活带来了诸多方便, 使我们的生活水平不断地提高。请根据表格提示, 以“My Favorite Invention—Computer”为题目写一篇短文。 * 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 设置背景音乐 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线 文档分享 课件在线



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