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Male-Female Pay Gap Hasnt Moved Much In Years 美国男女薪酬差距10年未变 Women earned 76.5 cents for every dollar that men did last year, moving no closer to narrowing a gender pay gap that has barely budged in almost a decade. 去年,男性每赚1美元,女性赚76.5美分,因性别差异产生的收入差距并无缩减。 在差不多10年时间里,这一差距几乎没变。 Male full-time workers notched median annual earnings of $49, 398 in 2012, compared with $37, 791 for female workers, according to a Census Bureau report Tuesday. In 2011, women earned 77 cents for every $1 men earned. 美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)周二发布的报告显示,2012年全职工作的男性 年收入中值是49,398美元,全职工作的女性年收入中值是37,791美元。2011年, 男性每赚1美元,女性赚得77美分。 The wage gap narrowed steadily through the 1980s and 1990s but the convergence slowed in the early 2000s. That may signal that two factors credited with advancing gender pay parity -- education and legislation -- lost some of their firepower. 上世纪80年代和90年代,男女工资差距曾稳步缩小,但在本世纪初,缩小的步 伐有所放缓。这或许预示着推动男女同酬的两个因素——教育和立法——失去了 一 些火力。 Womens increasing education is certainly a plus, but its not enough to totally change these trends, said Francine Blau, an economics professor at Cornell University. The really golden period was the 1980s, when the wage gap was consistently narrowing. Since then, progress has continued, but it has been more fitful and uneven. 康奈尔大学(Cornell University)经济学教授布劳(Francine Blau)说,女性受教 育程度不断提高当然是有利因素, 但还不足以完全改变这些趋势。 她说,真正的 黄金时期是在上世纪80年代,当时男女收入差距持续缩小;此后,虽仍取得进 展,但却是间歇性的,且不均匀。 In 1980, women earned 60.2 cents for every $1 men did; by 1990, that had climbed to 71.6 cents. During that time, women were pursuing more education, breaking into higher-paying occupations and racking up more hours on the job. They also were benefiting from the 1963 Equal Pay Act, as well as measures granting equal access to education and prohibiting sex discrimination. 1980年,男性每赚1美元,女性赚60.2美分。到1990年,女性所赚的这个数字 提高到了 71.6美分。那时,女性不仅追求高学历,还开始进入高收入职业,并大 幅增加工作时间。此外,她们也获益于 1963年的《同酬法案》(Equal Pay Act) 以及给予平等教育机会、禁止性别歧视的措施。 The most recent data reflect that younger workers are making inroads. In 2012, w


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