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暑假假期计划的观点英语作文 通过努力就一定能成功,就能给我们的生活增添许多光彩。下面是第一给大家精心挑选的暑假假期计划的观点英语,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! Teachers have Chinese, maths and English summer homework, each less than 60 pages in total, I want serious write each one every day, carefully check, after you write can be finished by a month, one thousand which day not because of the particular things, also don't have to worry about summer vacation homework. Read for twenty minutes at seven o 'clock every day. Prepare to read more than 8 books during the summer vacation. Must be useful or my favorite book. Read at least one hour a day to increase your knowledge. Write a journal every day for two days and post a blog post. If you want to travel, or go to a summer camp, be easy. In order to be able to post a blog, try to make it as smooth and vivid as possible. During the vacation, I took two summer classes, street dance classes and English classes, and I prepared my English class to write the words, review and preview the text in one hour. I went home to teach my mother the English language of the day (I often do my mother's teacher). The street dance should also be studied every day and go home to perform for the family. I went to Bei ___g for a summer camp in the small Newtonian science experiment, and for seven days, I had to play with my teachers and classmates in Bei ___g. Write a good position when you go home. The seven days to learn to manage your life and a happy summer camp. In addition to the above plan, it is also important to exercise your body for at least an hour a day. During the holiday, I also asked my father to teach me to swim. Have a full summer vacation. The annual summer vacation is here and I hope to make a reasonable summer schedule for myself during the holiday season. During the summer, it's also a good habit to go to bed and wake up early so that you can't sleep with watching TV or doing something else. Our primary school children are in the rapid development stage of the body,


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