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仁爱,英语, 八年级 , 下册,书面, 表达,一,书面, (一)书面表达。 (10 分) 为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题: 1. 想去哪?为什么? 2. 想在那儿待几天? 3. 怎么去? 4. 打算什么时候开始旅行?5. 在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么? 要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在 60— 80 之间。 提示词语: countryside, air, food and vegetables, environment, fresh, quiet, poor, give, the school things ... A plan for a trip I ’d like to go to the countryside for a trip because the environment there is very good. The air there is fresh, and I can enjoy a quiet life. The food and vegetables are good, too. I’m going to stay for a week. I ’ll go there by bike. In this way, I can take exercise as well. I ’ll go tomorrow morning. When I go, I ’ll take some school things, like books, pens, pencils and so on. I decided to give them to the poor students in the countryside. And I ’ll try my best to help th em with their study. I think I ’ll be very tired but I ’ll enjoy myself. (二)你一定有过难忘的旅游经历,它一定给你留下了美好的回忆。请以 A Pleasant Trip 为题写一篇短文。 80 词左右。 A Pleasant Trip Last Saturday, our teacher took us to the City Park. At 9:00 a.m., we arrived at the park. Some of my classmates went boating on the lake and others flew kites on the grass. Then we had a picnic near the lake at noon. I took many photos. Before we left the park, our teacher asked us to clean the park. Weall enjoyed ourselves very much. (三)每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时 , 请试着控制你的情绪 , 因为情绪可以影响 你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己 , 笑对人生 , 多与父母、朋友沟通。 请展开你丰富的联想,写一篇短文。 要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在 60— 80 之间。 提示词语: feel happy, mirror, the best, help others in need, believe, have a nice day, express, feelings, talk with ... Nobody can be happy all the time. Not everything is interesting in life, but we still have to face them. Sometimes I feel worried when I make some silly mistakes in the exams. Sometimes I feel bored when my parents don’t allow me to play. And sometimes I feel unhappy because I have so much homework to do. Whenwe become unhappy, we should try to control our feelings. Because bad feelings can make us lose our friends and give us other bad effects. Here



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