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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 小学生加减法练习系统 学 院: 管理学院 专业班级: 信息管理与信息系统 11级1班 指导教师: 王渊 职称: 副教授 学生姓名: 党梦琪 学 号: 41105060124 小学生加减法练习系统 摘要 学在课堂,练在课后,目前的中小学生要达到课程目标上的要求,仅凭课堂 上的四十分钟远远不够,课后的学习与训练尤其重要。课后练习是课堂学习的有 机延伸,不但可以检测和巩固学生的学习情况,而且是知识转化为能力的桥梁。 老师在布置家庭作业时经常会附加要求学生家长每天为孩子出一定量的计算题。 虽然这些简单的题目并难不倒大多数学生的父母,但是对本来就身负繁重工作的 学生家长来讲,这无疑造成了一些不便。另一方面,传统的纸笔一直作为重要的 信息交互工具被人类广泛的运用。用纸质作为载体给孩子出题也会消耗大量的自 然资源。使用电子信息载体节省资源与时间是大势所趋。“小学生加减法练习系 统”应运而生,该系统本着为家长节省时间,帮助孩子提高学习效率为理念。希 望能够从根本上满足学生的自主学习,切实帮助学生家长减少负担。 小学生加减法练习系统是适合小学一、二年级的学生学习加减法的软件,软 件可批量生成30组以内一位数、二位数的加法、减以及加减法混合运算的练习题 软件可设置题板的颜色,保护小朋友的视力,增加趣味性。同时保存测试成绩以 便查询与比较。管理员如老师可以增加用户以及查询学生成绩,便于监督和检查。 系统后台使用SQLServer2008创建数据库,前台则使用Delphi7.0来完成。 关键词:管理信息系统,Delphi前台开发,结构化方法,SQL Server 2008 Younger P upil Asddition and Subtraction Exercise System ABSTRACT Currently, for students in primary and middle school to meet requirements of the curriculum, they need to learn in the classroom and do exercises after school. It is not enough for only forty minutes from the classroom. Learning and training after school are particularly important. The practice after school is the organic extension of classroom learning, it not only can detect and consolidate the students learning situation, but also the bridge of knowledge turns into ability. The teacher often asks the students parents to give a certain amount of calculation exercises every day while they arranging the homework. On the one hand, although those questions are not difficult for most of the students parents, but they have already burdened by heavy works, so it still caused some inconvenience for them. On the other hand, even though the traditional paper is stand for information exchange instrument for a long time. It is the general trend to save time and resources by using electronic information carriers. So that the ‘ Youngerpupil asddition and subtraction exercise system came into being. This system aims to save the time for parents and help children improve their learning efficiency. In the hope that the studen


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