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公共课英语一模拟题2020年(342) (总分-20,考试时间180分钟) 阅读理解 Ask just about any high school senior or junior in America—or their parents—and theyll tell you that getting into a selective college is harder than it used to be. Theyre right about that. But the reasons for the newfound difficulty are not well understood. Population growth plays a role, but the number of teenagers is not too much higher than it was 30 years ago, when the youngest baby boomers were still applying to college. And while many more Americans attend college than in the past, most of the growth has occurred at colleges with relatively few resources and high dropout rates, which bear little resemblance to the elites. So what else is going on? One overlooked factor is that top colleges are admitting fewer American students than they did a generation ago. Colleges have globalized over that time, deliberately increasing the share of their student bodies that come from overseas and leaving fewer slots for applicants from the United States. For American teenagers, it really is harder to get into Harvard— or Yale, Stanford, Brown, Boston College or many other elite colleges— than it was when todays 40-year-olds or 50-year-olds were applying. The number of spots filled by American students at Harvard, after adjusting for the size of the teenage population nationwide, has dropped 27 percent since 1994. At Yale and Dartmouth, the decline has been 24 percent. At Carleton, its 22 percent. At Notre Dame and Princeton, it is 14 percent. This globalization obviously brings some big benefits. It has exposed American students to perspectives that our proudly parochial country often does not provide in childhood. Yet the way in which American colleges have globalized comes with costs, too. For one thing, the rise in foreign students has complicated the colleges stated efforts to make their classes more economically diverse. Foreign students often receive insufficient financial aid and tend to be from well-off fa



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